CH 26: Manning up & Catching Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Well I'm sorry! I wasn't gonna kill the guy!" I exclaimed at his  ungratefulness seeing at how I just saved his life. "Marcus's dad will be here soon so-"

His head turned sharply. "Hold up,you called the cops?" His eyes widened as he hobbled over towards me.

"Rule number 1 Taylor, if you're gonna stay back and fight my fights for me. No cops involved. Ever."

"Alright..." I took a moment to process his words.

"Let's go before they show up then," I walked closer towards him bravely taking him arm and slinging it around my shoulder for support. It was stiff at first before he relaxed as we languidly made our way towards the empty car park behind the bleachers.

I don't know why I was being so lenient with him. When I should have kicked him in the shin and let the cops find him since he was the sole reason I was in this mess. Placing him in the passenger seat I took the keys out of his pocket and he didn't protest. Leaning his head against the window seal his expression was tense.

Turning out, a few police cars flashing red and blue lights whirled past heading towards school. I thought about my choices tonight. Maybe I felt the need to help him because it was the first time to see the weaker side of him rather than his usual dominant composed self.

Seeing him in a fragile state magnetized the feeling of me wanting to help him so badly. I sided his rested figure that was cautiously bracing himself, probably cause he couldn't find a comfortable position.

Serves you right, my subconscious snapped her fingers infront of his face.

"Why'd you stay back? Answer me honestly and not with a sarcastic reply," He groaned out shifting in his seat as I kept my eyes on the road.

"No sarcasm? But it's one of the many services I freely offer."

"Just for once," he rested his head back with his face angled at mine his jaw being the only silhouette I could make out.

"I..." my response was laborious as I tried to find the correct words without seeming like an innocuous person in his eyes after I was done with my explanation.

But he was patient so I was inclined to continue. "I never knew standing by and watching something happen could become the biggest regret of your life."

I reclined further in my seat trying hard to suppress the tears that were swelling up in my eyes. "I watched someone I loved dearly, go through something unbearable. And everyday that passes by I can't help but think what if I did something differently, what if I hadn't stood by, what if my fear wasn't in the way...." I decided on giving a vague idea on who I was referring to, "maybe...maybe she would have still been alive."

" That's why," I skimmed his face quickly which bore a blank expression. "That's why I stayed back because I knew that even if it didn't make a difference, I chose to help instead of abandoning you."

He placed his large hand on top of my knee. I averted my eyes for a moment to stare in his green orbs. They were so full of concern and pity. I guess, we were both a pair of messed up young souls.

"Don't do that. Don't beat yourself over something that was already in fates hand-"

"But, things would have been-"

"No. It wouldn't have. That's just your guilty conscious trying to make you feel that your Aunt's death was your fault however it may have happened. But sometimes the right choice still could have been the wrong outcome." He squeezed my bare knee in reassurance giving me a comforting warm feeling inside.

I turned quickly to him only to find that the bleeding still hadn't stopped. "'re-"

"Amazing at cheering people up?  I know," he leaned back further into the seat wincing at the pain but trying to put up a tough facade.

"No. You're bleeding."

He cussed under his breath. "I hope it didn't get on the seats."

"Really? Your health is at stake and you're more concerned about your leather seats?" I rolled my eyes at him.

Must be a male. So typical.

"What did I call the car the first time you drove it?"

"Your baby?" I answered truthfully wondering what he was getting at.

"Exactly." He pointed out. "Besides, having my baby drive my second baby is sexy to watch...especially with that hot outfit, gives it that retro feel-" My eyes were glued on the road as my cheeks heated up into a blush. His smirk grew even bigger.

"My,my Taylor is that a blush I see?" My cheeks reddened even more.

"Shut up...and get your hormones together," I grumbled speeding up.

"You love my hormones," he mumbled not making sense. Devon probably knocked his head a few times extra.

"I'm taking you to the hospital- no ifs, no buts, no coconuts," I told him confidently turning sharply into the street leading up to the clinic. He hit his head against the window rubbing it slowly clucking his tongue knowing full well what that was for.

Paybacks a witch, my subconscious thought remembering the time he did that to me.

"I'm fine," he laboriously coaxed out before falling into another fit of coughs.

Oh dear.

"No you're not. We're going now and that's final," I told him sounding like a mom giving her son a scolding.

"There can't be any record. If my mom finds out she'll flip the fu-" he ludicrously waved his hands everywhere to make his point.

"Don't worry," I stopped him before he could utter a swear.

"I know someone on the inside," I told him softly seeing at how uneasy he was about this.

"I hate hospitals," he mumbled his hand lingering near mine grazing my pinkie finger every now and then.

Come on Shay! Grow some balls, my slutty side chanted in my head over my safer persona.

Risk #15: Grow a pair and man up.

Now it was my turn to be comforting. I gently slipped my hand into his large palm that fit so perfectly. He tightened his hold and rubbed the back of my hand softly.  His uneasy expression changed into a kinder one that I hoped he'd always wear.

"It'll be okay," I told him. I felt tingles and sparks through this small physical connection. I guess I did make a difference tonight. Although, it was more to myself than him. As much as I tried to deny it or hide it I was catching feelings. But not for the right brother but the ultimate trouble maker that everyone warned me to stay away from. Yet, here I was driving his car with his hand caressing my own and I secretly wished this moment would last forever as cliché as it sounds.

Dear lollipops, life was gonna be tricky from here on now.

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