Operation: Go For It! .11

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The party was definitely a big hit with people crowded everywhere, others eating the food, laughing at a told joke, and enjoying themselves. It was certainly a new experience to walk around in the clothes India gave you, modern traditional wear with a nice [f/c] color, and to be pulled into conversations to hear your opinion on something.

While you did this, you pondered why as you were wearing these clothes, that India put on a formal Western suit tipping his hat at everyone he met. You found it very odd. Then he saw you looking at him from a distance and hurried his way over to you.

"[Name], how are you doing?" he smiled.

"I am--"

"Come check this out!" he cut off your sentence and dragged you to a far part of the enormous building. He brought you to a snake charmer currently whistling in his flute as the cobra slithered upward staring back at the man. You found it entrancing but then India ushered you closer.

"Try it for yourself! Maybe touch the snake!" He encouraged.

You tried to back up and you shook your head violently. "No, no, I'm good!"

"You should try! It's cool!"

You quickly sent a blank text to America.

Hopefully he will get here on time.


I am sure I got this wrong ._. maybe... But I caught the plot bunny for this and I am happy I am getting back to writing it~!

Hopefully I can finish it before May ends. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2012 ⏰

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