"Well, my dear King, I believe I was headed toward the library." Y/N let out. Her face soon frowned. "Ew I sound like a nerd." She admitted.

"If you were a nerd, Mi'lady, you'd be the hottest nerd around." Lauren spoke, booping Y/N's nose as the two continued walking.

"I was actually wondering." Lauren trailed off.

"Oh boy, we know how dangerous that can be."
Y/N joked. Lauren playfully rolled her eyes and placed a smile back on her face.

"I was wondering if I could, possibly, maybe -if you're okay with it- I guess-" Lauren kept rambling on. Y/N giggled.

"Lauren, spit it out." She asked.

"A second date?" Lauren asked while raising a brow and acting slightly nervous.

"I would love that." Y/N responded, smiling uncontrollably.

"Good, lets go now." Lauren spoke, dragging her away.

"Lauren, we're in the middle of a school day!" Y/N speaks, trying to stop Lauren in her tracks.

"All we have to do, is leave for an hour. Thats all I ask." Lauren pleaded.

"Fine. But no more skipping." Y/N spoke sternly while Lauren placed her hand in her's. Interlacing their fingers.

Jasper walked into her classroom. She didn't want to look up, she knew Taylor was in this class. She couldn't be as confident as she was three nights ago. She had purposefully avoided Taylor's texts and simply walked toward her assigned seat. She'd been completely nervous, she wasn't sure what she'd do, so she stayed quiet listening to her math teacher drone on.

"Alright class, we have a group project coming up. These groups have already been chosen previously so don't get too excited. Your project will be to create a board game using math equations and problems to complete it." The male teacher spoke. The classroom was filled with groans from that point on.

"Alright, pay attention because I'm only saying this once. There are six stations, each represent one group. Lets get this over with." He picked up a clipboard and began calling out the students names. Each group consisted of four students. And of course, Jasper was in Taylor's group. But Taylor hadn't been there.

King Lauren 👑: I hope you didn't get caught sneaking back in the school. I had to run from the hall monitor.

Me: No, I hid in the bathroom for a minute. I'm just smart I guess 😚

King Lauren 👑: Hey I'd like to talk about when we could have a third date 😜

King Lauren 👑: I also have to talk to you after school.

Me: Third date, woah, Jaurgui. I'm only good up to two dates. I usually move on if I'm not impressed 😇

King Lauren 👑: whatever you say, Princess Y/N 🙄

Me: Respect me, King Lauren. 😭

King Lauren 👑: I'm sorry

"What did you need to talk about?" I asked, incredibly curious as to what Lauren would need to speak with me about.

"Well, thank you for meeting up with me, but we should go higher. I don't need anyone else listening in." Lauren spoke, while standing up and guiding me up the bleachers.

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