Why me god?

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Sana's POV

So, Ayaan isn't replying and I didn't have any hope from my parents. I honestly think I should run away. I have some money kept aside from my jobs and also have an appartement in Ottawa.

Even though I currently live in Toronto, I'll be able to reach the capital of the country in some time. I'll continue my studies there and will probably settle down there for a while.

Now, I just need to meet my parents a last time. I won't tell them that I am leaving. If I tell them, they will refuse and all of my plans will be ruined.

I think I should go out to call my parents. I just don't want Ayaan to come with them.

I dragged myself from bed. Puffy under eyes, dark circles and red eyes. That's how someone would describe me if he would see me.

I opened the door and saw a very stressed old couple. Yes, they were my parents. Beside them was sitting Ayaan. He looked stressed. He surely had to worry as his lottery, me, was going to leave him.

I am pretty sure that he knew that I was planning something. He'll probably try to stop me but I can't be weak. And that to on this important time.

Sana- Mom, Dad. I need to talk to you guys.

Mom- Ok

Dad- Sure, come Ayaan beta.

Sana- Dad, I want to talk to you guys in "private". If I wanted to talk to you guys in front of him, I wouldn't have called you in private.

I know I said a lot. It was just because I wanted to see him hurt. As soon as I said these words, Ayaan got sad. I could really see those expressions on his face.

Somewhere inside, I was feeling really happy. I hadn't felt that feeling in a long while.

Sorry guys for this miniature chapter. I am currently in India so full enjoyment! Unfortunately I can't write much yet. As soon as I reach Canada, I'll write a huge chapter to compensate!

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