«Chapter 2»

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It had been almost 3 weeks of just watching the 4 hunters and Niall could honestly say that these humans were very intriguing.

They seemed to always be touching, and they yelled at each other one second but then were hugging the next.

Like that time the human-Liam!-they were on a hunt and Liam almost got hurt, he didn't stick to the plan. All the boys screamed at him and then they pulled him into a hug and started, well Niall didn't know the word, but they started leaking from their faces.

They also liked to call each other names other then the ones assigned at birth. Niall didn't understand why they wanted to change the names their creator had given them, but it was confusing to learn their real names just because of that.

Today they had been awfully quiet. They hadn't left their small house on the edge of the woods. It-Niall didn't know what it did but he felt weird. He wondered if they were okay, or if something had gotten into the house while he wasn't looking.

He knew even if something did get inside that he couldn't do anything about it. But for some reason his chest still felt tight and he waited on the edge of his toes to see if the hunters would come out of the house or show any kind of sign that they were alive.

By the time the sun started to come up, Niall was pacing back and forth on the rooftop of the house right next to the hunters home.

He stopped when he heard the door opening below him. He crouched down and tucked his wings close to him while he watched the tall one-Harry?-walk out of the house.

"What are we even looking for today?" Harry whined as their leader-Louis-sighed and ignored him.

Louis pushed Harry out of the way as the other two-Zayn and Liam-came out with huge bags on their backs.

"We've already told you like 6 times. We're looking for a werewolf." Zayn muttered and followed Louis over to the car.

Niall watched them all shuffle towards the car, his breath catching when Harry tripped over a rock.

"Harry, watch were you're going." Niall huffed to himself, he seemed extra out of it today and Niall wondered if the other hunters even noticed.

What if Harry got hurt? Niall didn't know why he even thought that in the first place. He sat back, away from the edge of the building to take a breather. It was almost like he cared? Is that the word? But that was impossible.

He got up when he heard the car engine roar to life. He watched it drive away before he jumped into the air to follow. His wings spread out fast and he was lifted into the air as he kept his eyes on the car below him.

He followed them around all day, watching them track down the monster they were looking for until it was dark out.

He could tell they were growing increasingly frustrated as they came up empty handed but they didn't quit.

They were just packing up, planning to go home and look tomorrow when Niall saw it.

The creature they were looking for was lurking in the dark, just waiting for them to make a mistake.

Niall jumped up, not sure what to do. He wasn't allowed to help so he just watched, his heart pounding uncomfortably.

"Harry, go get the supplies down east, Liam you get the ones down the other way and we'll meet back here, got it?" Louis asked and they all nodded. Zayn was helping Louis pack stuff into the car again.

Niall watched as the creature found its target as they separated.

Harry didn't seem to notice, he was really out of it today. Niall crouched down, watching as the werewolf followed behind Harry from the shadows.

Harry started picking up their supplies when it pounced. He screamed and Niall could see the boys all immediately running to his rescue but Niall also knew that they wouldn't make it in time.

Niall looked between the hunters and Harry, they would never run that distance in time to save him. By the time they make it to him, he'll already be dead and the monster will be gone.

Niall gripped his hair in frustration, his chest feeling like it would explode if he didn't do something, but he couldn't.

He had never felt like this before and that's probably why he made the decision to disobey his creator.

He spread his wings out wide and pushed off the building.

And without even thinking, he flew down to save the human.

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