"Do you think this is all connected? The Ghost Riders, The Wild Hunt, the holes?"

"The Wild Hunt are drawn to war and mayhem, I've never heard it doing anything to anyones memory." Deaton explains, looking seemingly unsure of himself as he speaks. "Well, it sure as hell did something to my memory." I state towards Deaton as he nods.

" It's almost like you have a form of Phantom limb syndrome. It's common in war. Amputees can have the sensation of an itch they can't scratch or a pain that couldn't possibly be there. The missing limb is so important, the brain acts like the limb's still there." Deaton states, handing the piece of glass over to Scott. "So my subconscious is trying to tell me what's missing." Scott concludes.


"How the hell do I figure out what it's saying?"

"The easiest way to do that would be to go to sleep."


Opening my eyes slowly, I sit up, my back aching as I do so. Rubbing my eyes a little I notice that the scenery is unfamiliar. A light is suddenly switched on as I stumble to my feet, almost falling over as I do so. I quickly snap my head around, my gaze falling on Claudia Stilinski as she looks at my utterly confused.

Why was I sleeping on the couch in the living room of the Stilinski's?

"Lilly, w-what are you-how did you get in here?" I look down at myself, noticing my pajama shorts and tank top , "I-uh-I'm sorry Misses Stilinski. I-I have absolutely no idea how I got here." She slowly nods, still expecting me as I notice the concern in her eyes. "You should propably get home." She suggests as I nod, making my way towards the front door. "Sorry for the inconvenience." I quietly tell her, stepping off the front porch as the cold night air nips at my skin.

I almost jump ten feet in the air as I feel my phone vibrate against my leg.

Why is my phone with me?

That's a less improtant question for now, the improtant question is, how the hell did I end up at the Stilinski's?

I quickly answer my phone as Lydia's voice rings through it, "Lilly, where are you?" I sigh, clearing my voice, "I'm uh-at the Sheriff's house. Can you pick me up? And bring warm clothes for me."

"Why are you-" I cut Lydia off, trying not to be rude, "I'll explain later, just come and pick me up." With that, I hang up, casually waiting as Lydia finally pulls up after a few minutes, me quickly jumping in the back as she and Malia sits in the front. "Warm clothes are next to you." Lydia tells me as I quickly change. "Scott called us, he said we should meet him in the woods." I frown, but nod, not in the mood to ask anymore questions. "Why were you at the Sheriff's house?" Malia asks as I shake my head, not knowing the answer myself, "I-I don't know, but it has to mean something."


"I went to bed at home and I woke up in the woods about a mile out." Scott hands Lydia, Malia and I each a flasglight, "but I think there's a reason why this has happened. I've been out here before, with Lilly." Scott switches on his flashlight, "it was the beginning of sophmore year, the night before tryouts for first line, I remember because it was all that I could think about." A memory flashes by as I remember Scott and I in the woods, in search for a dead body.

"What were you guys doing?"

"We were looking for a dead body." Scott and I answer simultaniously. "That's morbid." Lydia quietly states. "But, why did we look for a dead body, I mean, how did we even know there was a dead body?" The words escape my mouth as my hot breath meets with the cold air, Scott nodding along my words. "Exactly, it doesn't make sense."

"Deaton said that my subconscious was trying to tell me something." Scott repeats the conversation we had with Deaton earlier, "but I need you guys to help my figure out what it's saying."

"Maybe you two were just curious teenagers? You heard there was a body-" I shake my head at Lydia's theory, "but how? I never watched the news and both Lilly and I didn't have a police scanner."

"Your mom works at the hospital, maybe she got called in and you overheard her?" Malia assumes, her gaze fixed on Scott, "my mom wasn't home that night. I live five miles away from here, how did I get here?" Scott questions further, more to himself than to us, "you drove."

"I didn't have a car." Scott deadpans, "then Lilly drove." I shake my head, "My car was at the pannel beaters the entire vacation, I didn't get it back until four weeks into sophmore year, Lydia was my ride."

"You ran?"

"Couldn't have, I had asthma and Lilly isn't the running type." I nod, Scott's words making sense in a way as we make our way further into the woods.

"Lilly and I were hiding, but the Sheriff knew we were here."

"Then you made a ton of noise with the asthmatic breathing and Lilly made a ton of noise because she was out of breath?" Malia guesses again, "how would they know that it was us? How would the Sheriff even think that we'd be out here?"

"Because like most deaths in this town it was supernatural?"

"I wasn't supernatural, I mean, this is the night that Lilly and I were bitten. We weren't supernatural yet and we weren't alone." Scott's face is serious, his eyes darting between the three of us as it lands on me, "then who were we here with?" I mumble out, glancing up at Scott and it seems that he expected this question. "I know this sounds crazy," Scott slowly starts, "but I think I had a best friend. And I think he was out with us here that night."

A best friend?

Could I have known him?

Is he the reason that I woke up at the Stilinski's?

"It doesn't sound crazy." Malia interjects, "I know that someone chained me up and I think they wanted me to stay human."

"I came to school this morning and I was sure I was supposed to meet someone, but I couldn't remember who it was suppose to be." Lydia states, her eyes focusing on a spot on the ground as she finally lifts her gaze to look at us.

"I woke up at the Stilinski's,on their couch in the living room, and I'm sure that I wasn't just sleep walking and ended up there. I think that the person who we are missing lived there and that I went there a lot. It's the only explenation. And this morning," I take a breath, biting my lip as I continue, "I was sure that someone was suppose to pick me up and whoever it is," I run a hand down my face, not sure if I should say the words that are on the tip of my tongue, "whoever it is, I think I loved him. I think I still love him, even if I don't remember him."

"What if we're all missing the same person?"

I am so sorry about this crappy chapter!

I really apologize in advance.
I've just had a really crappy day, not that it's an excuse.

I wanted to let you guys know that I will only update this story once a week, as for 'Connection' my DOB fanfic, there will be a lot of updates.

Has anyone seen Spider-Man: Homecoming?

Can we discuss the cuteness/hotness of Tom Holland?

And also the scene where he didn't have his shirt on like oh my god I fangirled so hard...

Okay, bye now my lovely readers

Remember to vote/comment or whatever.

I love your comments like seriously


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