Chapter 27 Causing History to Unfold

Start from the beginning

We spiraled through the vortex and landed on top of each other, in a pool of mud.

"Remind me to pack a helmet next time we time travel." Jay groaned. "Where are we?" Cole asked. "In a puddle of mud." I groaned.

"The question is, when are we?" Zane corrected. We emerged from the puddle, and looked around.

"Four Weapons." Kai read the sign on a nearby store. "My parents shop! Nya and I used to work there!" He smiled. I pointed a little ways behind it.

"And my old house! And the treehouse is still there!" I beamed as I remembered all the good times Kai and I had when we were little.

"Wait a minute. This is the day that Garmadon ordered the Skeletons to take my sister! We have to warn them!" Kai worried.

"Hold on, you heard Sensei, we change anything, we change everything!" Cole halted. "Yeah, I was confused by that to." Jay wondered.

"He's saying is our world is a result of past events that have already happened. If for whatever reason events in our past fail to happen the future could radically change." Zane explained.

"So what you're say is; we have to stop Garmadon from changing anything? But of all the times why did we land here?" Cole asked.

"Because this is where it all started. Today I met Sensei Wu for the first time, and began my training to become a ninja. Somehow Garmadon's gonna try and prevent that. But how?" Kai grunted.

"Too bad Sensei Wu isn't here to guide us." Cole regretted. "Ooo look! Maybe he can!" Jay pointed to a figure in white with a long stick.

"I'm not so sure..." I sighed. "Well we have to tell him what Garmadon has done!" Cole concluded.

"But we can't let the old Kai and Nya see that we talk to him, or it will affect our future." Zane warned.

"I know exactly what to do." Kai nodded then lead us behind the shop.

Wu was just passing by, minding his own business, when Kai came up behind him, and clamped his hand over his mouth!

"Sensei, we need you're help." He then pulled him behind the shop.

"Wait a minute. If we're trying to stop Garmadon from changing anything, wouldn't talking to sensei be altering the past thus changing our future?" Jay asked.

"That would be correct. I believe a big, 'uh-oh' is in order?" Zane winced. "I said from the beginning that this was a bad idea." I shrugged.

"Well, we can't undo what we've already done. Sensei, we really need your help." Kai begged. "All five of you, you-" Wu started to gasp.

"Traveled back in time to warn you of impending doom." Cole spat out. "Right. Normal." I continued.

"But we don't have time to explain? Can you help us?" Kai asked frantically. "I don't understand, but I can try." Wu still looked flustered.

"Ok. Any minute now, skeletons are gonna come over that hill and we think Garmadon may try to hurt me. I mean, the past me." Kai said frantically.

"Garmadon?" Wu gasped. "We have to do everything in our power to protect my past self!" Kai ordered.

At that moment, the sky darkened to a shade off deep purple as the sound of engines revving filled the evening air.

Kai held Wu back, only to make sure that he didn't attack right away.

"Can't we help?" Kai asked as we hid ourselves out of sight. "Don't look at me. I'm wise, but I'm not that wise." Wu told us.

"Well, technically since the past has already been altered, I don't wise why we can't fight a few skeletons, just as long as your former self never sees you." Zane encouraged.

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