"You faced her?" Roman snorted. "Right"!!

"What" Alex said. A mischievous grin rolling on his lips.

"Well... I know there is more to this whole 'I followed her and when she came out I face her' bullshit, so for god sake alex cut the crap, and tell me what exactly, did you do, Or for god sake buddy my patience has run so low. that I am willing to deliver my knees in your balls" Roman completed his treat in one breath heaving for oxygen after he was finished.

Alex patted his head annoying roman. More than he could ever be. Making his way past him Alex start whistling old song.

"HI, I asked you something?" Roman screeched, he rotated on his heels start following Alex like a lost puppy 'Oh for answers.

"Alex. Come on man Aren't you going to tell you best buddy what happened, I did followed you here to get her back! didn't i?, the least you could do, is tell me what happened?" Roman said giving alex a sweet puppy dog look. Alex cursed under his breath.

"You know sometimes I think you were born in wrong gender rom!" Alex questions. Making Roman punch him hard on his shoulder.

"Dude this Rom is only for you, and no, I don't think I was born in wrong gender, because if I was, It would have been a crime, You know the amount of girls will die if I was to change my gender" Roman bragged. Giving alex a Dreamy look.

Alex chuckled at his friend stupidity,

"Yes Roman, I believe A lot of women would die laughing, when they will find put that the great day has arrived when, The Great Roman will leave the world of men's, to become women." Roman huffed/

"Yeh yeh go make fun of me now!" he said pouting like a kid.

"You still haven't answer my question alex? What happened when you met her?" Alex sighed.

"Drop it rom," Alex pleaded with his eyes. Not like roman gives a flapping shit about that.

"Why?" Roman Asked again.

Alex bit inside of his cheeks. Why is he so stubborn? Alex thought.

"Well because I am your best friend" Roman answered. Alex eyes bulged out of there socket.

"I said that out loud, didn't i?" Roman nodded his head in agreement.

"Well...?" Roman pushed. Raising his brows expecting more answers.

"I kissed her" Alex muttered out, finally caving in to his friend continues pocking, It was now Alex turn to wait for the reaction.

He counted the seconds in his head. 3......



"What?" Roman screaming was so loud that few people one the street stopped walking giving him a scared look. Roman Covered his shock in seconds, like a pro, and start waking like he didn't hear what Alex just said. His face still holds the shock., but he consumed it for don't know why.

A silence hung between both of them when they made their way across the street trying to find there new stay for the night, tomorrow they will go back to hotel to get there stuff, if it was still there, Right now they needed a quick fix for their situation.

After waking for somewhere around thirty minute they found a small hotel call rosewood down the sub bourbon street, It was not something lavishing just a small, two store building, with a hording heaver then its roof.

"You go check around for food and I will get us rooms" these were the first words roman said after forty five minute of silence. His voice reflects sadness, Alex gave him thumbs up. He walked out trying to find a place to eat. He found one right across the street. It was a small shady looking diner.

From where he stands, he saw that the diner was pretty much empty. He turned on his heels and walked inside the hotel. He found roman taking to the bell boy.

When roman saw Alex coming back he threw his keys toward him, closing his conversation with the bell boy.

"I hope you don't mind sharing my bed mia amore." Roman discreetly flirted, flicking his eyes at Alex.

For a moment Alex thought what the Fu*k but then realized what roman was doing.

"Oh, No problem darling" He played along The bell boy face fell. He gave roman a longing look and waked back inside.

Alex raised his brow in questioning look.

"Oh, let's just go Alex. If I stayed here any longer there might be a attack on my dignity" Alex laughed at roman. When he horridly waked out of that hotel.

They made their way toward the diner, Roman was the first one to enter, somehow when they made their way toward the booth, Alex felt his hair on his neck rise. That cold, creepy feeling of something following then made him stop. He looks around not finding anything unusually, they took their seat in the very back.

When they were seated alex saw roman also looking round.

"You felt it too? Didn't you? Roman didn't said the words but his eyes spoke it all.

"Why don't we just do the take away then.?" Roman eyes narrowed at something behind alex. A man in a old dark trench coat stood up from his stet. He discreetly made his way toward the back, if it was someone else it may have looked like that person was walking toward the washrooms but Alex and roman knew it was just not some casual; walk. The man passed their book intentionally bumping in their table, he dropped a paper and walked away.

Roman kneel picking the rolled ball. It took a lot from both Alex and roman to not stand up and follow that guy but they stayed back roman pocketed the note when he saw a blond waitress making her way toward them.

"What can I get you both?" She asked. her smile not reaching her eyes.

Roman gave her the same smile and placed the order for both him and Alex. He requested for the take away. After he was done the waitress turned and walked back.

Roman pulled out the note. Carefully opening it. There was nothing inside the note. Both Alex and roman were confused until roman smelled he note.

"Lamon juice"

Alex grumble. He pulled his phone out. Roman raised his brow. Alex waited till the waitress was back. She placed their meal on their desk. Can I get you something else? She asked. Alex grinned,

"Oh, well yes you can," the waitress eyes widen. She gave him a tight smile.

"What will that be sir?: She asked not so politely, Alex tilted his head to the side and asked her for a role or tape and a pen. She first looked confused but gave in.

She hurried back and after a minute or two came back with a small role or tape and a blue pen.

Alex gave her a smile placing a fifty-dollar bill on the table. They both stood up. Making their way out. The food was not more than ten bucks but the tip they have left must have made that waitress jump with a smile. 


Ok so i wrote this chapter at 3.50 am in the morning so have mercy it you find it a bit off the track.

If you like this chapter please do comment and vote, as they motivate me to write more.

What do you think alex would do with that tape and pen? and why do you think roman become sad after alex told him about the kiss.

Think >>>>>>>>>think..

i see you next time:)))

Love ya

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