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"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

🗝Jacob's POV🗝

The hospital entrance turns frantic as Serena is wheeled in. Although all I want to do is stay close to her, other nurses take me in the opposite direction. There are panicked shouts filling the air as Serena leaves the atrium.

"Follow me," a nurse tells me, his voice sympathetic.

It's all I can do now, for I'm sure that my princessa is going into surgery. The memory of the lashes she received earlier have my heart thumping. She doesn't deserve those scars. How could her father give them to her? He deserves to rot in jail, for everything that he's put us through.

The nurse leads me to a room where a bed is awaiting my arrival. Two more nurses and a doctor are there as well. They help me onto the bed, against my wishes. I feel my energy deplete as I try to get comfortable on the plastic bed. I guess the adrenaline from earlier is draining from my body now.

"What is your name?" a nurse asks.

"Jacob Rodriguez."

"And the girl who was with you?"

"Serena Peña. Where is she?"

"She begin taken care of. Her wounds are quite severe, but don't worry. She'll be okay."

Oh, how much I want to believe that. She's lost a lot of blood. I don't want to lose her. I need her.

They begin to stick my arms with needles. My head begins to swirl with the feeling of medications flowing through my veins. Now I can understand Serena's discomfort from earlier in the ambulance. One of the nurses leave the room, a clipboard in hand.

My voice slurs. "What's in the... needles?"

"Medicine to help you heal and sleep. We are contact your parents now."


The medicine feels like the Sandman dumping all of his sleeping powder on me. It's an uncomfortable sensation that makes me want to get off this bed. The nurse nods their head before retreating to the door.

🔎Carmen's POV🔎

The phone slips from my hand and falls to the floor as the lady on the other line hangs up. In the hospital!? This is exactly what I was worried about. The more logical part of my mind knew that something bad would happen to him, I just still hoped that he wouldn't have to go to the hospital. Grabbing my purse, picking up and shoving my phone inside, I rush from the kitchen and out the door. Dark thoughts begin to weigh down my body as the engine turns over. Where is Serena? Is she with him, safely, or does she have her own hospital bed? This cannot be happening.

Traffic draws curses from my mouth as I'm stuck on the highway. This is the worst time for this. A call comes in on my phone again. I wait until I come to a stop at a red light to pick it up. Camila's name pops up, causing my worry to expand. Her frantic voice calls out before mine.

"Carmen, the hospital just called! Serena is in intensive care. Have you been called?"

"Yes, I have." My gaze shifts to the traffic light, pleading for it to turn green. "I'm on my way now."

"Oh, I'm so scared. Why did this happen. Who took them!?"

"I don't know. I wish I did, but I don't. All we can do now is go to the hospital and offer support." The light turns green and I press on the gas pedal.

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