Chapter 6 [📱]

Começar do início

"What're you making?"

"It's called Marinated Tomato Salad with Herbs," she said, the excitement obvious on her voice.

"Sounds vegetarian. What's the occasion?" I asked, letting the cool zesty flavor of the juice linger in my mouth.

"Oh the Cabellos are coming for lunch."

I did a spit take and watched the orange juice barely miss my mom by centimeters and land on the salad.

"Eww!" I heard Sam cry out.

"Y/N!" screamed my mom, tossing the bowl on the sink and quickly inspecting her vegetables for orange splatters.

"Mom why didn't you tell me Camila was coming? Oh my god."

"Well why should I?" she argued, her eyes glued to the tomato as she checked for my spit. "You don't need to get ready that much anyway."

"I need to ready my mind and my heart!" I spat out, already running towards my room. I heard my mom tell Sam that I was insane but I was already up the stairs and panting.

Phantasm screamed when I dove for her on the bed and called her out. "Oh my god, Y/N, you scared me."

"Where's the email?"


"Where's the fucking Taylor Swift email?" I shouted. Phantasm squealed at the tone of my voice but made the email nonetheless. I watched the goat video upload itself to a new message and the message type itself on the blank page. "Send it."

"What? Are you su—"

She didn't get to finish her sentence because I already tapped the send button and watched the 'Your message was sent' notice appear at the top of my inbox.

"Okay I sent it so I get my wishes now right? I wish—"

"Whoa there, hold on, Y/N! Stop!" She held up her hands and looked at me like I did something illegal.

"There's no time. She's coming!"

"Who's coming?"


"What? Why?"

I sighed and told Phantasm what happened, not only that morning but even on the day I arrived in Miami. She just listened to me without interrupting which was surprising because she would've had quite a number of retorts already prepared.

"What were you gonna wish for earlier?" she asked once I finished.

"I was gonna wish that the Cabellos would cancel and not come to lunch."

"Why the fuck would you do that, you idiot."

"Because I'm not ready, okay? I don't know what to talk about with her and it'll just be awkward."

Now it was Phantasm's turn to sigh. She looked physically pained by my decision that I began to wonder if she'd just leave one day and quit being an app.

"Dear, Y/N. Why do you think she asked for more time?" I shrugged. "Think about it. Why would she ask for more time after you told her you liked her?"

I scratched my head and let my mind wander back to that night and the mystery of her tears. I distinctly remember feeling her smile on my skin but then again why were there tears? And Phantasm had a point, why would she ask me for more time? Time for what? I asked Camila but she never gave me an answer. Did she expect me to just blindly understand?

"Maybe—maybe she wanted time away from me? Maybe my confession caught her off guard and now she can't be in the same room as me anymore? That's the only thing I could think of."

Phantasm (Phantasm, #1) - Camila/YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora