Fat Axl/Hurt (Slash/Axl)SAD

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I will let you down.

Anything. Everything.

I will make you hurt.

He stood up and went into the hotel bathroom him and his band were staying in. He went to the cupboard.

I wear this crown of thorns.

He pulled out a razor blade.

Upon my liar's chair.

He put it to his skin.

Full of broken thoughts.

He put some pressure.

I cannot repair.

The door opened.

Beneath the stains of time.

"Axl? Are you-" Slash was breathless as he ran into the hotel room, only to be met with his best friend with a razor pressed against his wrist.

The feelings disappear.

"What the fuck are you doing!? DROP THAT NOW!" The guitarist screamed, causing the singer to jump and drop the blade to the tile floor out of shock.

You are someone else.

"What has gotten into you? What's wrong? Axl talk to me!" Slash was panicking, grabbing Axl's shoulders and shaking him with tears hanging onto the brim of his eyes.

I am still right here.

"Speak to me." Slash whispered, collapsing onto the ground and dragging his long time friend with him.

Axl looked at Slash in his deep brown eyes with a blank stare, not saying or doing anything. 

"Axl... Please. Talk to me. I'm right here." Slash croaked, his head spinning with confusion and grief.

"I miss the old days." Axl stated in a hushed voice, staring at one of Slashes curls. His bottom lip trembled and he let out a sob, collapsing into Slash's arms. The man stayed silent, wrapping strong arms around his best friend.

"I'm fat. I'm not who I was. I hate myself."

"Stop it, Axl." Slash was crying now too, he grabbed the back of Axl's head and pushed it into his chest, leaning into him and pulling the smaller man close. "You aren't ugly or fat or whatever anyone says you are. You're fucking beautiful."

"N-No I'm not. I-I'm worthless." 

What have I become?

"This isn't about those pictures, is it?" Slash pulled away from Axl, still holding his arms but looking back and looking into his eyes. Axl stayed silent, peeling lips trembling as he bit them to keep from crying. He nodded.

My sweetest friend.

"No. No no no, baby. I knew this would happen." Slash sighed, shaking his head and grabbing his best friends face. "Those people? They don't know you. The media doesn't know you. Nobody knows you like I do."

Everybody I know, goes away, in the end.

"B-But, Sla-Slash-"

"Hush, babe. You are Axl Rose. When have you gave any fucks about what people say about you?" Slash laughs a little, trying to lighten up the situation as tears trickled down his tan face.

And you could have it all.

"We all aren't the same anymore." Slash cooed, ignoring his own tears and brushing Axl's away with his thumb, hands still cupping the singers face.

My empire of dirt.

"None of us are, and that's just the way it's going to be, right?" Slash smiled sweetly, blinking and staring into his best friend's eyes, trying to make sense of it all. "I'm not the same. I've changed a hell of a lot. Shit, I died once!"

I will bring you down.

Axl giggled.

I will make you hurt.

Slash took a hand off of Axl's face and picked up one of his dropped wrist, examining it. Thankfully, the razor didn't break the skin and there didn't seem to be any scars.

"Baby, why'd you try and hurt yourself?" Slash whispered, looking up at him with sad eyes.

"B-Because I feel u-useless." Axl stumbled out, sniffing and taking a deep breath to keep from crying.

If I could start again.

"Don't ever feel that way." Slash sighed and stood up, picking up Axl by the hand and leading him to one of the hotel beds. He kicked off his boots and crawled under the covers, turning off the lights and pulling Axl with him.

A million miles away.

Slash wrapped his arms around the old man, pulling him close and tangling his legs with the other.

I would keep myself.

"Don't ever change, Axl W. Rose." Slash sighed, smiling as Axl smushed his face against his best friend's chest, breathing in the familiar smell he's known for so many years.

I would find a way.



Man, can I just rant for a second?

I've been feeling like total shit lately. So, I'm a christian and you probably couldn't tell considering I've been swearing and writing gay smut n stuff. Idk, man. I've just been fading away from my religion which sucks. I feel like God hates me and I feel like my parents hate me?

Sorry to get all depressy on you. 

My parents just make me feel like I NEED to be perfect and they make it seem like since I'm a christian I need to be perfect or whatever and they keep trying to protect me which makes me feel like an animal in a cage and I hate it so much. They constantly make me feel guilty? Or maybe I make myself feel guilty, who knows. 

I just want to do stuff without guilt. I want to do things without thinking "Is this very christian like? Is God mad at me now?" I want to watch horror movies without feeling guilty. I want to listen to heavy metal with swearing and stuff without feeling guilty. I want to swear without feeling guilty. I want to be happy with my sexuallity without feeling guitly. I want to masturbate or what not without feeling guilty. I JUST FUCKING HATE GUILT!!!!!! 

Sorry, religion is such a touchy topic and I just???? I dunno, maybe I need sleep or something.



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