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 “C’mon, Mikey, I know you’re hiding something from me! You’re not looking me in the eye, you’re barely talking to me, you’ve been practically avoiding me all week and you’re running away from me right now!” You shout, stomping your foot childishly as your boyfriend tries to sneak out of the room. You can’t help it, you’re pissed off. He turns back to you and holds his palms out placatingly, “Y/N, I promise you nothing bad is happening. I just can’t tell you what it is.” He pleads, looking everywhere but in your eyes. You gasp as a horrible reason occurs to you, causing you to stagger back to fall onto the couch. “Are you cheating on me?” You feel the tears in your eyes, because not only is he cheating on you, but right before your birthday too? He mutters a “shit” before rushing to kneel in front of you. “Y/N, babe, I’d never cheat on you. This was supposed to be a secret but all of us are throwing you a surprise party, for your birthday.” Mike murmurs, taking your hand in his. Your face suddenly lights up. “Aww really, thanks babe.” You kiss him passionately.


 “Spin the bottle for 7 minutes in heaven!” Michael yells, handing Ashton the bottle. You, 5sos, and a lot of their friends (boys and girls alike) are chilling in Ashton’s basement. You hold your breath as he spins, secretly hoping he gets you. “Y/N,” Ash says in surprise as the bottle slows to you. Luke pulls you up and Cal grabs Ashton and they push you two into the closet and the timer begins. The first minute is spent in one of the most awkward silences you’ve ever partaken in. You open your mouth to say something along the lines of “we don’t have to do anything” when he suddenly leans forward and kisses you. You freeze in surprise, causing him to start to pull away and you can’t have that so you tangle your fingers into his hair in one of the bravest thing you’ve ever done. After a while of doing that, he pulls away. “I’ve secretly wanted to do that for a while.” He says, pink in his cheek. “I’ve secretly wanted you to do that for a while.”


“Hey, Y/N! Come here for a sec!” You look up from you book confused, but go downstairs anyway to humor your boyfriend. You find your boyfriend lounging on the sofa, laptop in his lap. “What’s up, Cal?” “So, the fans are in a frenzy.” “Why?” “Well,” He says, a smirk showing up on his face. “They found something.” “Cal, what’s going on?” You ask, confused and hesitant. The smirk grows into a full-on grin. “Your old Tumblr. Your… secret fan tumblr.” You feel your eyes get wider, and you lunge for the laptop but he leaps up and holds it from your grasp. “Calum-” “Do you really think I’m that attractive?” He asks, teasing, eyes alight with mischief, “With such a great ass and face?” “I last used that way before I met you-” You try to defend yourself but he chuckles. “It says it was updated yesterday.” You bite your lip, busted. “I’m sorry.” You offer, looking down embarrassedly because, shit, you have smut on there. “Aww, Y/N.” He says gently, moving closer to hug you. “It’s awesome. I love it. I just wish you hadn’t kept it a secret because it’s fantastic.” He kisses your nose and you spend the rest of the day scrolling through your Tumblr.


“Y/N, seriously. What the hell is going on?” You look up from your phone to see Luke looking worried and half-angry at you. “What are you talking about?” You ask, looking down again as to not give anything away. “This! You’re utter shit at lying, and I know when you are! What can’t you tell me? What’s going on?” You take a deep breath. “Luke, listen-” “Are you breaking up with me?” He gets this heartbroken look on his face. “Oh god, Y/N, no please don’t do it-” “No, I’d never do that, babe.” You finally say something, trying to squash that possibility as soon as you can. “Then what’s going o-” “I’m pregnant!” You blurt out, then cover your mouth with your hands. He gets this blank look on his face, and you get so uncomfortable with the silence everything you’ve been holding in comes pouring out. “I’m sorry I’ve been keeping it a secret but I’m only a month along and I’ve only taken the pee tests and I didn’t want to jinx it you know how fucking superstitious I am-” He interrupts you by kissing you, harsh but gently. “I love you. I love this kid. Everything will be okay.” He brushes his fingers over your face and kisses you again.

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