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Usually it’s about your height. He’s so tall in comparison to you that it’s hard sometimes for him to not tease you about your shorter stature. He’ll make remarks on how you’re “vertically challenged” but pull you into a tight embrace to assure you that he’s only teasing; that he absolutely loves how small you are compared to him. The height difference makes him so much more protective of you because he knows just how easily it would be for him to lose you. He teases you because he loves you and he wants to make sure you never forget that, but how could you? His bright, ever-present smile reminded you even when he teased you.


The teasing between the two of you seemed to be never ending. If he wasn’t teasing you about your obsession with clothes, you were teasing him over the fact that he owned more shirts than you. The banter was always playful, your smiles unable to be hidden as you threw your teasing remarks back and forth constantly. You could both pretend to look hurt and offended at the other’s remarks, but the slow creep of a smile across your lips that turned often times into laughter gave you away. Though neither of you like to admit it, sometimes the teasing remarks sting just a bit, but you always find a way to laugh through them. It’s all in good fun, and when the teasing is done, he’ll wrap his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest, unable to stop smiling at how much he adores you.


 It was constant, the teasing between the two of you. Whenever you start teasing him, he instantly shoots back a sarcastic remark that ends up with the two of you in an all out sass-off. Most of the time, the teasing ends with one, or both, of you sticking your tongue out at the other. During rare occasions, the teasing will be taken too far and the fallen face is the give away that what has been said hurt. When he realizes that he upset you, he instantly pulls you into his arms and buries his face in your heart, repeating to you in a muffled voice, “I didn’t mean it, I swear I didn’t.” When he’s the injured party however, he’ll give you the cold shoulder, instantly shutting you out, even though you’ll apologize and hold him close, making you realize that both of you are still sensitive and vulnerable to being hurt, especially by one another.


Normally the teasing banter between the two of you ended quickly with him unable to come up with a quick comeback. You outwitted him, especially when it came to teasing, though he wasn’t one to give up easily. When he knew he was starting to lose in this teasing battle he would tackle you to the ground and begin tickling your sides to make you laugh and beg for mercy. This was his way of making sure he came out on top (even though he knew you won by a landslide when it came to the teasing though he would never admit it). Once you were shouting for mercy he would pull you close and continue to laugh with you, unable to remember what had caused the teasing remarks in the first place.

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