Tour moments

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“So this is what Paris looks like from above.” Ashton says, loudly over the wind that’s hitting the windows. 5sos was on a European tour, and since you had a gap year, you decided to join them. Right now, you’re in Paris, specifically, the top of the Eiffel Tower. Well, as top as they’ll let the tourists get. The view is amazing and everything down there is gone and irrelevant and it just feels beautiful. “I feel like a bird.” You say, grinning. You’ve always wanted to go to Paris, and because of your amazing boyfriend, you can. You’re ecstatic. Ash wraps his arms around you from behind and quotes, “If you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” Before you can say anything, Michael and Calum start gagging obnoxiously. “Shut up, you assholes! We’re in the City of Love for fuck’s sake and Y/N and I are in love, we don’t need you two ruining it!” Before they can say anything, the other people up in the viewing area applaud Ashton’s loud speech. You giggle and tug him over closer to the window. “Everyone looks like ants.” You say, pointing at the little dots of people. “If you’re an ant, I’m an ant.” “Okay, now that’s getting annoying.” You laugh. “If you’re annoying, I’m annoying.” You shove him and he takes that opportunity to tickle you. But you find out later that Luke took a picture of you two and, even though it was a bit blurry, you could still see it was the both you. Luke tweeted it along with the caption, “They’re in the City of Love for fucks sake.”


“GUYS WE’RE FINALLY DOING PART TWO OF 5SOS VS. FOOD!” Michael shouts outside the donut place. The 5 of you are standing in a line, you with Calum’s arm around your waist. Catching this, Ashton and Luke immediately make fun of you. “With Cal’s lovely girlfriend Y/N joining us, we are about to eat the world’s biggest donut.” Ashton explains. “It’s like THIS BIG!” Luke exclaims, spreading his arms out wide. “This is so going to be a bad idea.” You say with a giggle. Calum tickles you, “You pronounced ‘great’ wrong, babe.” Flash forward to half an hour later and you’re all about a quarter of the way done with the donuts. To be fair, the donuts are about as big and tall as the burgers they ate in the first round. “There’s chocolate in my bloodstream.” Luke groans, still taking another bite. You, being the wise, sage, person you are, gave up a while ago. And now you’re filming them and laughing. “This is bigger than my head, why is it going in my stomach?” Calum says, about to go face first into the donut’s chocolate icing, but you move the plate. “Thanks, Y/N.” Your boyfriend says, voice muffled by the cloth. “Ugh, I’m so full but I don’t want to lose again!” Mike whines, shoving a huge donut piece in his mouth. “You guys are going to die by donut overdose!” You try to reason, but Ashton looks at you with his serious face and says, “There’s no other way I want to die, Y/N.”  


“C’mon, where’s our good luck charm?” Ashton calls, causing you to rush over to the wing near the stage. As one of the best friends of world-touring band 5 Seconds of Summer, you were invited to join them on said world tour. Without hesitation, you agree. And, at first, you’re having a blast. You love the constant movement, the loud crowds, and spending time with your best friends. Your favorite parts are the pre-stage rituals, where you give them all a friendly kiss on the cheek for good luck. Then your feelings for Luke shift from platonic to straight-up-in-love. You start hesitating before the kiss, and blushing immediately after. And you hate it. Dammit, why’d you have to get feelings for that 7-ft tall weirdo? It’s exhausting pretending you don’t care when the annoying fans throw themselves at him and kiss him at meet and greets because, even though it’s irrational, it’syour thing. Today, after kissing the cheeks of the rest of the boys, you’re leaning on your tippy-toes to kiss Luke’s cheek when he suddenly pulls you so close you’re pressed into his guitar and kisses you. The shock disappears and you kiss him back. Michael yells at him to “haul ass” so Luke only has time to turn to you after he pulls away and says, “We need to talk after the show” and, with an amazed and pleased smile on your face, you couldn’t agree more.


“You have to be quiet.” You whisper, falling on top of Michael’s shirtless torso as he pulls you on top of him. “You’re the one that can never stop moaning.” He argues, making a point by biting at the point where your neck meets your shoulders and you can’t help but let out a low moan. You hit his chest once you regain yourself, “Not fair, you know my sweet spot.” You pout. He smirks, pulling your shirt off in the cramped bus-bed. “I know your other sweet spot, too.” He waggles his eyebrows. Not dignifying that with a response, you just kiss him again. Things start getting pretty heated, and this is almost a public place, but dammit he’s just so hot and it’s been like two days since you’ve done it and you just really need it, okay? Just as he’s about to take off your bra, when you suddenly hear the door to the bus’s bedroom slam open, “Yeah and that’s why All Time Low is better than Green D- HOLY FUCK Y/N IS IN A BRA!” Luke shouts. Like a ninja, Michael flips you over and uses his body as a shield so the guys don’t see anymore than they already have. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” “Wow, Y/N, red and lacy, I’ve always loved that combinat-” “Shut up and get out, Calum.” Michael reaches up and throws a pillow at them. “Jeez, fine.” Ashton whines playfully, ushering the other two out because he’s a bro. “God that was embarrassing.” You hide your face into Mike’s chest. “So are we gonna continue or-” “Shut up.”

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