You're Sick

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He would come home to your place entirely silent, which was unlike you. Normally there was music playing, or you were singing and dancing throughout the house but this time it’s different. He’ll instantly know where you are: up in your room, curled up in bed with the covers pulled far over your head. Sitting beside you on the bed, he’ll stroke your hair gently and ask if you’re okay, if you need anything, and what hurts. After you continuously insist that you’re absolutely fine, he’ll sigh, throw back the covers and pull you close to his chest, uncaring of whether or not he catches whatever has you feeling so terrible. All he wants is for you to be better and to take care of you.


The instant he saw you laying on the couch, curled up in a ball, he would know that you weren’t feeling well. Saying nothing, he would scoop you up into his arms and carry you to bed. Even though you would protest that you were fine and didn’t need him to baby you, he would ignore you and continue to carry you because he wants to take care of you. Laying you down in your bed, he wouldn’t be able to help himself and chuckle at your ridiculous angry face. “I’m perfectly fine,” you would say, trying to get out of bed, but would instantly be gently placed back on your pillow. “Just rest for five minutes,” he would persuade, snuggling down beside you. Reluctantly you would agree with a sigh but before you knew it, you would be asleep with him tucked in beside you.


When you were still in bed the instant he finally awoke, he would know that you were sick. The covers tucked completely around you as you shuddered in your sleep were the dead giveaways though. Slipping out of bed as silently as possible, he would walk downstairs to see what medicine you kept in the cabinet while the toast was being made. He knew if you were going to eat at all it would be something simple, because he knew how much you hated to eat whenever you were sick. When he finally has everything he needed gathered up, he would carry your small breakfast and medicine back to you, wanting nothing more than for you to be feeling better and acting yourself again.


Even though he tends to be quite the busy body, normally keeping up with him is no problem for you. The instant you start to slow down and hardly get going in the mornings is when he really knows that you’re not feeling well. When you get up that morning, more sluggish than usual, he would usher you back into bed, insisting that you need to rest. You don’t argue with him because you know you look as miserable as you feel. While you obediently crawl back into bed, he runs downstairs to grab you some tea (because he knows that is what you like to drink most when you’re sick) and crawls back into bed beside you, not wanting to spend the day without you.

Credits in the external link xx

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