You're insecure

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You're insecure and he makes you feel better


You sat in your bedroom scrolling threw your newsfeed when you came across a photo of yourself. You looked absolutely awful with your hair up in a bun and you were breaking out. It wasn’t your fault you were going threw that time a month! The caption read, “Ugly, lazy, & weird.” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but go to look at yourself in the mirror. 

"I guess I do have an oddly shaped head." You whispered to yourself as you bit your lip. Suddenly two arms wrapped around your waist. "Yeah, you do." Calum teased, not knowing that you were upset. You pulled his arms away as you went back to your bedroom and fell face first onto the bed. Calum was right behind you, he lifted you up and placed you on his lap. 

He frowned when he heard you sob, “I was only kidding, babe.” He whispered and you shook your head. “E-Everyone thinks things like that.” Calum hushed you and kissed your head. “No, you’re a perfect human being, they’re only jealous.” He whispered and just hearing that coming from his mouth made you feel better. His opinion was the only one you’d ever need.


You were racing Ashton threw the park, laughing very loud. You were in a sports bra and some sweatpants while he was wearing a wife-beater and some basketball shorts. When you finished your running you took a deep breath and grinned up at him. “I won.” You giggled and he rolled his eyes, leaning down to kiss you. Right when his lips touched yours you heard laughing.

You turned to see a couple girls laughing at you. Not Ashton, you. You immediately felt uncomfortable and covered your sides, hiding your stretch marks. You used to be over-weight, but hit a growth spurt and you were really in shape now. Yet you still had those ugly marks to remind you of the past. Ashton noticed the change in your behavior and pouted.

He put an arm around your waist and kisses your forehead. “Why don’t we go home so I can show you just how beautiful you are?” He smirked down at you. A smile formed on your lips and you nodded.


You stood in the bathroom curling your hair and humming along to a 3OH3 song. Your phone started going off from twitter mentions and you clicked the app on your phone. Usually you wouldn’t bother with it, but you were curious today. Just reading the awful comments made you sick to your stomach. Each one a fat joke or one telling you to go kill yourself, you didn’t deserve Michael. You set the curler down and stared at your shirtless body.

You pinched at the skin on your side, frowning at the fat. You then placed a hand on your thigh, moving it. “Stop that right now.” Michael’s voice caused you to jump and you saw him leaning against the door frame. You shook your head and turned your attention back to the mirror. He walked over, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your body into his. He cupped your face and kissed you before trailing kisses down your neck to your chest to your stomach. “You’re-” He kissed down your stomach to your thighs- “The most beautful-” He was kissing every inch of it he could, his hands on your waist to keep you still- “Person I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” 

"Mikey.." You trailed off as he stood up and kisses your lips one more time. "And I love you more than anything else in this world." Michael pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around you as he hugged you. "I love you too." You whispered into his chest.


It had been days since you’d actually talked to Luke. There were the occasional phone calls and text but no real conversation. You just missed him and what made it worse was you had been getting hate mail. It all pointed out a different feature that was wrong with you and you began seeing it. Right now you were sitting in the living room, sobbing at the comments. They really hurt you- Who wouldn’t be hurt by it all. The mail was strung out all over the floor and you had your head resting on your knees.

You jumped when an arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you to them. When you looked up and saw look you bit your lip before throwing your arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry.” He said as you sobbed into his neck. His voice broke as he spoke and his arms tightened around you. “These are shit. You’re so amazing and loving and giving and just- God I love you.” 

Hearing him speak instantly made you feel better. After all this time of facing it alone there he was, holding you. He was finally there and it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

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