Meet me at the Cabin

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(Y/N)'s POV- Jim's Uncle's Cabin

A breeze blew over us as we trudged through the snow, making deep shoe imprints. Every exhale turned into an icy mist in the air. My uncle roughly knocked on the door of a nice wooden cabin marked with snow on the exterior of the door. The door swung open, "Jim!" what I learned in the car to be my uncle's uncle. It took me a little bit to process it fully.... just the thought of it. "Ah, Uncle Frank!", Frank motioned for us to walk in, "Hurry quick quick, it's cold out there!" my uncle pushed me in as Frank shut the door. The minute I walked in, a wave of heat met my face, making me feel warm. I took off my jacket and beanie, placing it on the coat rack, eventually heading to the living room to meet up with everyone. I sat down on the couch, the closest spot to the fireplace, enjoying the heat energy it was gracefully passing to me. "Who's this Jim?" I heard Frank ask out of curiosity. I peered my head over to my uncle Jim to answer, "This is (Y/N), my niece." Frank looked stunned, "Oh my, Well very nice to meet you (Y/N)." he stuck his hand out, I shook it briefly then returned back to my cozy spot. My uncle Jim got straight to the point, "Why am I here Uncle Frank? Maybe you want to tell me where the heck you've been since I was a kid? Or what happened between you and my dad?" Shhhhesshhhh, he was not here to fool around, his tone of voice kind of irked me a bit. "Yes, I do."Frank sighed, re-positioning his fingers along the glass cup filled with alcohol. "But I need to know that you trust me." my uncle shot back at him, "We're family of course I trust you." taking in a sip of booze. "Did you ever do something that you thought was right at the time but would now give your life to do-over?" Frank wondered, my uncle suddenly stopped sipping his drink and put his glass back on the table, listening intently. "Yes." he confessed. I was completely dumbfounded. "Looking back, I've done too many terrible things like that. But the worst..was break from your father." I was deeply confused... what secrets was Frank hiding? "Keep talking" Jim blurted. "I love my brother Peter dearly, and you are my brother's son. I came back to Gotham because of you Jim. I want to make things right between us." I turned my head back and forth watching the conversation continue, I couldn't quite tell if Frank was someone trustworthy? Did he give credible information? Or was he just using my uncle for something?

After an hour of talking about family, Frank opened up to Jim about something interesting that revolved around Gotham...

"Jim...there's something I need to tell you.. but you must keep it to yourself. I shouldn't even be telling you because this could get me killed." Both of our eyes widened at what Frank had to say.
"I'm apart of a group in Gotham known as the 'Court of Owls', they secretly meet up at a location in Gotham wearing owl masks to protect their identities. Their main goal is to take control and rule Gotham.They'll do anything to keep their group or idea a secret... even if it means killing a member. Your father and I... were members of the 'Court of Owls'."
Everything was still. I gazed at my uncle who was wasn't moving, seemed to be barely even breathing. Why would my grandpa want anything to do with 'The Court of Owls' ?

" Jim everything that happened to your dad... the accident... well... it was because of me."

I felt shocked that Jim's uncle was somehow tied to my Grandpa's death

"HOW?!. I saw it with my own two eyes! My father was killed in a car accident!!" Jim exclaimed

"The Court of Owls didn't trust him after giving him pieces of information they believed that he would tell someone so they had me set everything up to make it look like an accident."

All this information was unsettling to me and made me feel a knot in the pit of my stomach. I pushed my hands together, uneasy, fidgeting one finger with another.


Frank looked ashamed, sighed and placed his head down. "The Court of Owls James... they made me do it."

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