He's Lost his Marbles!

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For the next few months, the average craziness of Gotham began to dissipate, which seemed odd. It seemed as if anything horribly bad could happen at any moment because of how long Gotham's gone without something happening.. it was all just a matter of time.

"Weeee.." I whispered into my chest as I spun around in my uncle's chair at his desk.

"Having fun there?" Harvey intruded, chuckling at my self entertainment.

"You bet!" I smiled and continued to spin as he stood there watching me.

"Have you seen your Uncle anywhere? He should be back by now?"

I slowed down, and tried my best to stare him straight on in his eyes, although my vision was shaky. "Uh.. No, actually I haven't, didn't he say he was just heading to the cafe up the street?"

Harvey looked over to the front entrance, expecting Jim to pop out any minute.

"Yeah.. that's weird" he mumbled.

"You know what Harvey? He's been acting a little strange lately."

"What? I thought I was the only one who was thinking that- There's something going on in that mind of his... I just can't lay my finger on it. Knowing your Uncle he's not an easy egg to crack when trying to figure out what's on his mind."

"Hmph." I shifted my lips in confusion as I looked out the GCPD entrance from Uncle Jim's desk. A slender figure came through the door, it was him! "Oh- there he is now!"

"Jim! Where you been buddy I've been looking for you!" Harvey called out,

My uncle looked somewhat distraught as he handed me the bagel I asked for from the cafe and a coffee for Harvey.

"What's wrong Uncle Jim?"

Jim shook his head and brought his hands up to his mouth massaging his fingers through his cheeks.

"One of our cases, Jervis Tetch... I've been hypnotized by him..and I-" he began to ramble on with his conspiracy theories.

"Jim- slow down- take a breather." Harvey motioned his hands at an upright position, "There's no such thing as someone being able to hypnotize you, its all in your head" my uncle Jim barely opened his mouth before Harvey added, "THE GUY IS A LUNATIC! He's just trying to scare you, believing you to think he has power over you"

Jim proposed "That's the problem. He does have power over me." Harvey threw his head back in disbelief, "What are you talking about?", My uncle looked over at me then back to Harvey "Every time I hear this chime, I feel something pushing me to do something inside. I can't control what I do or think." Harvey was beginning to become persuaded, after all we did just discuss the fact that my uncle was starting to act a little.... DIFFERENT! "You really think Jervis has you wrapped around his finger?". A moment passed as my uncle cleared his throat, "Yes."

I finally had to let at least some of my input out! "If I'm gonna be honest with you Uncle Jim, I believe you 100%, you've been acting a little...uh...creepy." His eyes widened as the arches of his eyebrows moved upwards, "Well- that makes me feel better (Y/n)" Jim sarcastically blurted out. I continued, "No offense, I promise. But how are you going to get yourself out of this trans?"

His forehead furrowed, "I don't know." As awkward silence continued to linger, Harvey yelled, throwing his hands in the air,"We need to get on this, I'll get the GCPD to start looking into Jervis. While I try to figure out how we can undo this wacko's hypno-spell." Harvey headed towards an office to begin investigating, I decided I didn't want to be in the middle of all this so I began to spin again in my chair. "(Y/N) I want you to stay with Bruce until I can get this all figured out." I immediately stopped with my shenanigans.

"What? I-!"

"That's my final word. I don't want something to happen to you, I can't protect you to my fullest potential being hypnotized like this. Who knows what Jervis might make me do under his spells."

I sighed, knowing he was only doing this out of love and his passion to lookout for me.


He gave me a hug and slight kiss on the head, "I'll take you home in 45 minutes to start packing your things" he added then sped walk with a few cases over to where Harvey went. I sat there in his chair, lowering my head and watched my legs dangle from the seat, swaying back and forth, back and forth.


We made it back to my Uncle's apartment to gather my things, I wasn't sure how long I'd be gone for so I packed enough for 2 weeks.

I sat on top of my suitcase as I tugged on the zipper.

"You're not moving (Y/N), I don't think it'll take that long for me to get back on track..."

"Well I'm taking extra precautions. Who knows."

"I do. I'll be back to pick you up in no time."

I picked up my suitcase and headed towards the door, clutching my pillow and blanket. "Alright Uncle Jim I'm-" as I looked onto Jim, he squeezed his eyes,clenched his fist, and brought his left head up to his temple. "(Y/N) you need to leave NOW!" , barely being able to get any words out of my mouth I stuttered "Uncle Jim! How do I..-" I could tell he was beginning to get tense and anxious "Figure out something... Just- GO NOW!". I assertively swung open the door, and ran out with my suitcase rolling behind me. I took every step with purpose, quickly racing towards the elevator downstairs. Furiously pushing the button to go downstairs, I impatiently waited for the doors to open, pacing back and forth with my luggage

. The moment the doors slid by, I ran in, shaking as I pushed the button to close the door. My phone began to ring in my pocket, reaching for it I noticed it was Harvey. "HARVEY!" I answered, "Hey kiddo, How's Jim?". "Not good, I'm leaving the apartments now, I'm heading to Bruce's house." Harvey sounded confused, "What why-" , "My uncle demanded I leave, I'm guessing he had another hyno-episode." , "(Y/n) How on earth are you getting to Bruce's?", not even thinking about how I'd get there I responded pretending as if I already had made up a plan. "I um- Am going to take a cab!", he began to shoot another question at me "With what money?", "I'll figure it out, don't worry about me Harvey, please just help my uncle. I don't know whats wrong with him and he's the only family member I have left to take care of me. Please Harvey. Please." I could hear Harvey sigh on the other end "You have my word (Y/N), But I want to hear a call from you the moment you step foot on that manor. Understand?" "Yes sir. I've gotta go, call you in a few minutes."

The bellman I've gotten to know named Drew, offered to help with carrying my luggage outside, "Where you heading off to miss (Y/N)?", "A friends house" I mumbled reassembling all my luggage. "Without your Uncle?", "It's complicated... I'll be back soon." Drew flagged a taxi and helped put my luggage beside me, then commented "Please (Y/N) If there is anything you need help with, don't be afraid to call the lobby, I'll always be there." Smiling I responded, "Thank you Drew, your help is appreciated." Drew closed the taxi door and the driver asked where I would be heading to tonight, "The Wayne Manor please." And off we went to the Wayne Manor. Who knows how long I'd be there for.

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