Chapter 1: I'm his . . . sister?

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* Author's Note: I'm writing this story cause I'm in a similar BUT NOT SIMILAR situation as Emerson. So I thought, hey, might as well write about it! Let's see if this story turns out to be any good, comment what ya think! :) Thanks*

©2012 NotYourMermaid Copying Prohibited, Punishible by Law

He cups his hands around my chin, pulls my face towards his own, and plants a short kiss on my lips. Ashton put his lips towards my ear, and I feel his hot breath on me.

"I love you, Emerson." He murmurs.

I wait for what comes next, and pray for kiss. I remain still, mentally repeating "Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me." Taking a deep breath, I fight the urge to open my eyes, since I'm almost positive he left me. A soft touch on my mouth sends butterflys to my stomach. His hands gently caress one side of my neck, his lips create a trail of kisses on the other side. Taking advantage of Ashtons current position, I pull his shirt collar, bringing us closer together. Before I can take control and massage his lips with mine, he kisses me.

Message received.

It feels like fireworks have ignited, and he tastes like spearmint. Yummy.

"I love you too, Ashton. And I'm frankly surprised that you even feel this way about me. I thought you had feelings for Skylar. It made me feel sick to my stomach knowing you wanted her, but I guess I was wrong." I confess.

He ponders this for a moment, and his face scrunches up in disgust.

Oh no. I'm right, he doesn't feel the same way like he said he did. I've been used.

"Skylar? You thought I liked her? Please, she's slutty and conniving. Dating her, would be like dating a hurricane. A disaster. But you, you're beautiful and fun to be around. I love you, and I always will. No matter how sarcastic and gullible you are." He boops my nose.

I let out a relieved sigh,"Okay."


I jolt up from my past position of resting my elbow on the desk, and suck in air. What just happened? Was I day dreaming again? I look around the room for Ashton.

"Where are you ya little bugger?" I say, to no one.

Yup, I spaced out again, for the third time today.

GREAT, I BEAT MY RECORD! Isn't that just lovely.

"Emerson, you need to pay more attention in class." A strict male voice says.

I swivel around and see Mr. Brillo,red faced and dapper, his signature look for me. If you haven't already guessed, he and I aren't on the best of terms.

"Yes, sir!" I salute him, to make fun of the fact that he served in the military for 10 odd years or so.

This feat is noble, but he goes on and on about it 24/7. It's actually really irritating, so I irritate him by mocking the deed he's most proud of.

Oh, and I also repeatedly ask him how he got the bullet-shaped scar on his leg. Even though I already know that one of his fellow soliders thought he was a snake, fired the gun, and accidently hit my favorite teacher.

God I hate him.

"Cut the sass, missy. Or you can learn how to be respectful during detention." He warns.

"Sorry." I mutter, not meaning it at all.

I don't want to spend 2 hours with someone who uses the phrase "cut the sass".


I rush to my locker, eager to see Ashton on the bus. Every day we tease, talk . . .and flirt on the bus. It's just about my favorite part of the day, cause who doesn't love talking to attractive specimen? But I would just about die if Ashton knew how I really felt about him. I think the overwhelming rejection from him would break my heart into itty-bitty pieces . . . and then I would get mad and set it on fire with a torch. . .

His "Sister"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin