Chapter 19: And the claws come out

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After pounding on the door several times, a grouchy Melanie whips open the door, "I don't want one goddamn thing you're trying to sel- ohh hi Emerson! Whoops that's awkward I thought you were a flock of girl scouts then never leave me alone." She gestures for me to come in, "What brings you to my humble abode?"

I shrug, "Can't I visit my best friend for no reason?" I grin like a cheesy middle age woman on an infomercial.

Melanie mouth unfurls a hearty laugh, "Uh huh you haven't come around here once without having some sort of issue involving your family or the opposite sex so I'm taking that as a no."

Is she mad at me, I feel like there is a bit more to the comment that I need to unravel for myself. Have I been a terrible friend? I try to form words, but my confusion turns them to mush, "What are you talking about- wait what?"

She swats at the air, "Ehh its just I sometimes feel like your entire world is entirely more important than mine on the account you always whine about this or that, while I give therapist-like advice. Not once have you seemed to give a shit about my existence unless either 'perfect' Ashton or 'fantastic' Ryan is not giving your ass the light of day. Correct me if I'm wrong- but doesn't friendship go two ways?"

How could I have been so selfish to not really consider her feelings? I mean my problems seem huge to me, but maybe through a different pair of eyes it's just petty and stupid. Maybe Melanie is right, for the longest time I have just lived inside my own head and blown up the fact that Ashton likes to toy with me.

I bite my nails, "Oh my God, I can't even believe how rude I have been to you. I was so focused on earning the approval from the guys, that I never opened my eyes to what really matters; friendship. I don't know how I haven't seen how selfish and bitchy I have been, and what's truly ironic is that I complain about how awful Skylar is, but I am just like her. How in earth did I take my-well I hope still-best friend for granted? I'm so,so sorry Melanie."

Mel starts slow clapping, "Well done, you have discovered the root of the problems; you, You know Emerson, if you simply quit acting so desperate and useless around both Ashton and Ryan it would be much easier to see who you like. I miss the 'you' who didn't give two shits about what everyone thought, and I'm glad you've snapped back into reality. Wanna hug it out?", she extends her arms for a hug.

While she is brutally honest, I think I completely deserve it, and I accept the hug gratefully.

"Alright, alright, enough of this mushy emotional crap. Do you have a box of brownie mix we can make and then eat raw until we puke?" I wonder, due to the growling of my stomach.

"Indeed I do, and it would be an honor to get food poisoning with you." Mel grins and the anger seems to disappear.

We race to the kitchen and dig around her pantry in search of brownie mix, my favorite food on the food pyramid. After rushing to crack in the eggs, oil, water, and stir the raw concoction together, we devour the most divine dinner I've had in ages.

She giggles,"What is it?" I question, "It looks like you ate dog poop, and then smeared it all over your face." Melanie then erupts with laughter, which is contagious, so in no time flat we have collapsed on the floor in hysterics.

The moment is one I will treasure long into adult hood, and is probably the reason most older people say their memories in high school are their favorite.

Approximately 5 minutes later, my phone buzzes with excitement of an incoming call, and the name on the caller I.D. is one I'd rather not speak to. Skylar.

"Dude your phone is literally having some sort of heart attack maybe you outta answer it." Mel suggests.

"But it's Skylar, and I just don't really think I could control myself from saying something regrettable."

"So? My ears are going to fall off and die if you don't shut the stupid contraption off." She whines and I know that I have no choice in the matter.

To save myself from the wrath of Melanie, I press 'accept'.

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