17: Break ups and heartbreaks

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Brently P.O.V.

"WHAT?!" Mom yelled at me.

"Mom, what was I suppose to do? If I said I wouldn't do it they would've killed Avriana and I wouldn't never forgive myself... NEVER"

Mom sighs, putting her hands in her hair. "Brently... I'm sorry that it happened, your dad was never like this, he was a good man... why is he so.. evil" Mom looked up at me from the island.

I was about to talk when a voice cut me off. "Because he's a monster" I turned around to see him infront of my eyes.

I looked at mom and she weaked smiled. I looked back at him and frowned.

"See Brent, I've told you, you couldn't ignore me. I'm always going to be-"

"My brother" I cut him off, still frowning at him. "Look Brent, I never-"

"Don't say shit to me Brandon" I yelled at Brandon and he shrugged, chuckling.

"I'm always here for you Brent"

I groaned loudly leaving out the kitchen. "Whatever, you were never there for me"

"What are you talking about?" He asked and I turned around before I could even step my foot on the stairs.

"DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF?! YOU LEFT ME WHEN I NEEDED YOU THE MOST BRANDON!" I yelled out, walking towards my room but he turned me around.

"Brently, I was kicked out I couldn't take you with me!"

"BUT YOU COULD'VE STAYED JUST STAYED! You knew I was getting bullied, getting beat up everyday. I was fat, and I was ugly. You know who saved me in Elementary? Alean Peason. He helped me because we were always bestfriends"

"Brently, I was doing drugs when I was in highschool, I had to go get help"

"No! You could've stayed with me! Call me selfish but you should've been my Brother! That's what a brother is!"

"Brently! WHAT WAS I SUPPOSE TO DO?! I was sniffing, smoking, drinking, and injecting"

I sighed, walking away from him. "BRENTLY! DAD DID IT TO ME!" He yells as I stopped walking.

"He made me what I didn't want to be. Dad made me a monster. He wanted me to die. He wanted me to drown, to commit suicide, even OD. Dad drowned you in lies. He wanted you to turn against me"

I turned around to him fully. "What about mom?"

He nodded. "Her too"



I folded my arms. "So I'm suppose to believe he made you do that shit?"

"Why Don't you believe me Brent huh? Why would I lie? I took up for to you. Dad called you a names beginning with the word fat while mom didn't do anything cause she was scared that she would've got abused by dad"

I had to process this because I felt like he was lying but part of me felt like he was telling the truth. Brandon wasn't always a good liar.

"He even got people to follow my every move. Those few years later... I was so broke, so dirty, no food, no clothes, that I lived on streets trying to survive. I got a few change from people but some girl gave me 30 dollars. Then she took me in, loved me and she changed me." He said sitting down next to the wall in the hallway. I was still standing there listening to him.

"I married her, she was pregnant and guess what happens? I get home one day, dads goons attacks me, held me down while I watched her get killed." He said. I saw a tear escape from his eye and he looked away, wiping it.

Love and Boxing (BWWM) (Completed) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن