14: Racism is still here

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Avriana P.O.V.

"Baby, I'm not going"

I sighed at Brently.

"Please. I want you to go to church with me" I heard him scolding Dellia about something.

"Look baby, I'm babysitting Dellia and I'm pretty sure I shouldn't go with you"

"Because your white" I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly" He said and I groaned. "Brently, my parents don't discriminate"

"What about your dad?"

"Brently my Dad is... He just doesn't like you"

"Just say it Avri. I'm white. He. Hates. White. people. just as worse as my dad hates other races outside of white people"

"Brent, my dad does not hate you because your white. He's just very... opinionated"

"Okay, explain why when I use to go and stay over with your brother and he gave me a funny look whenever I ate dinner with you guys?"

I couldn't say anything because he was right. My dad did always give Brently a stank face.


"Brent. Just go"

"I can't. I have to dress Dellia"

"Brently please" I whimpered, giving him the 'whimper please'

He sighs. "Alright I'll go"

I squealed happily and he laughs over the phone. "Okay give me a few mintues and I'll go over to your house" I said.


I knocked on the door waiting for someone to open the door, while I waited there was some yelling throughout the house.

The door opened to Dellia herself. "YOUR HERE!" She squealed, giving me a hug as I chuckled.

"Hey Dels"

"Please help me" I pulled away looking at her appearance. She had on a dress shirt that was blue, dress pants that were yellow and her hair was in a ponytail.... well a half ponytail.

"Alright, where's your brother?" I asked.

"He's getting ready" She rolled her eyes. "He can do that but he can't DRESS ME!! I'm 8" She gestured to herself, "I'm suppose to dress like an 8 year old not a 6 year old"

I started laughing. "How about I help you get into something nice?" I asked, smiling. She nods eagerly and clapped.

"Yes! Thank you sooo much" She squeals running up to her room. I chuckled, closing the door. Walking upstairs, to Brently's Room.

He was in his room with a towel on looking through his closet.

"I can't wear that. That shit looks stupid going to church" he says to himself. Then he pulled an outfit out.

"Oh yeah, this is it" He started dancing a little and I laughed, making him turn around, red flushing on his cheeks.

"How long have you been there?" He asked still embarrassed. "Long enough to see you trying to attempt to dance" I said and he scoffs, waving me off.

"Whatever, you know I can dance" He comes over to me and pulls me in a embrace.

He pecks my lips, smiling. "You are a weakness to me you know that?" he says and I awwed.

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