6:New friends

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Brently P.O.V.

"Brently? Have you've heard anything I said?" Mr. Wallace had asked. He was my first period teacher.

I didn't really listen to what he had to say... because I didn't care..


He had his arms folded, "What did I say then?"

"Uh, you said something" I said and I heard crackles and laughs from people.

"Uh, huh, Brently, I don't have time for your foolishness. Just go to the office they want you" He said and I smirked.

"Yeah, I wouldn't blame Miss. Lina, I would too" I smirked and the kids burst out laughing as I left out.

I walked to the office and leaned on miss. Lina desk. "Hey Miss. Lina" I smiled at her.

She smiles at me. "Hey Brently. Principal Haves wants you to show a new student around the school"


"Cause he thinks you're the only one that knows where everything is....He seen you around" She shakes her head and I laughed.

Yep, Two months Strong I've been on my own without having best friends telling me shit I didn't need to do. I hooked up with a lot of girls everywhere in school when I didn't care. I even had sex in the cafeteria. I was a savage like that. I didn't get in trouble cause of my dad.

I sigh, "So who's the kid?" I asked and she points behind me. I turned around seeing a guy.

He looks familiar......

He had on a beanie, Studs, he had on a shirt sleeve shirt, jeans and Timberlands.

"His Name is Asher Ramze He's a senior" I overheard her.

Asher... Asher... ASHER RAMZE! I remembered that kid. He use to box with me long time ago. We went to a boxing camp for boys and girls. He was my friend at that camp because Alean wasn't in boxing like that.

We were close at that camp because we try to hit on the hot girls that were there. I remembered he slapped a girl on her ass and she slapped him. I also remembered that he told me he lost his virginity before we left the camp.

I started walking over to him and smile. "Hey dude!" I smile, causing him to smile, getting up and dapping me with a bro hug.

"Damn man it's been long!" Asher chuckled, while I nod. "I know... to long I haven't seen you since-"

"Boxing camp" He finished, which I laughed. "Yeah. So how are you man?"

"I'm good, what about you?" He asked, as we started walking out the office.

"I'm good, I didn't even know you stayed around here" I said. He nods his head, "Yeah. I had to leave from my old school. My dad didn't like how my grades were coming out. I was failing everything."

"You didn't have a tutor?" I arched a brow. He started smirking, chuckling. "Yeah I had a tutor... but she had another job in mind" He said, causing me to laugh.

"So my dad caught her sucking me off, got grounded for a month, transferring me to another school and now I'm here" He said and I shook my head.

"Wow..." I chuckled, "Where's your schedule?" I asked, he gave it to me and I noticed that we didn't have the same schedule.

I was bummed but we had the same lunch. I took him to his first period and told him to wait by my locker which I showed him before I took him to his first period, and I would show him the rest.

Love and Boxing (BWWM) (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now