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Okay so imagine this Seungkwan has a crush on Vernon who is a part time barista. So Seungkwan is struggling to talk to Vernon so Soonseok decide that to talk normally to Vernon, Seungkwan should order all the time at the cafe not just for himself but for soonseok, and get this, one day Vernon comes into class and says 'hi, how are you?' to Seungkwan and Seungkwan screams "Yes, I'd like a large number four with whipped cream and mocha chips" and then mortified Seungkwan dies in Soonseok's arms.


THIS WAS MEANT TO BE POSTED TOMORROW BUT I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT EXO'S TEASER AND MY BIAS' ISN'T OUT YET. if y'all don't know, EXO is my ultimate bias group Seventeen are my second favs followed by SHINee, and my bias in EXO IS CHEN AKA Kim Jongdaeand his teaser isnt out yet and im going to di e when that hapPens. BUT EVERYONE ELSES TEASER IS SO DAMN LIT AND THE SONG SEEMS SOOO LIT! IMA CRY! SM F*ED OVER MY BOI JONGIN BUT OTHER THAN THAT ITS ALL G AND BAEKS MULLET IS GOING TO END THE WORLD AND MA BOIS CHANYEOL, XIUMIN AND SUGAR DADDY SUHO be lookin like KINGS!!!!! its really sad Yixing can't join but hopefully for the repackage he will be able to. I CANT WAIT FOR MY BAE JONGDAE'S!!1  

seventeen the type ㅡotp ver.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang