More lessons in Vampirism

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"That tickles, stop doing that." He'd say not even opening his eyes as he pulls Nadine hand to drape it over his shoulder.

Nadine would sit up and roll on top of him to get a better view of the mark, now that he peeked her curiosity.

"What is it?" She'd try to run her fingers over the mark.

"It's the crest of the Florida Grand Council. It's like a way to prove I am who I say I am among non vampires." Nadine continued to stare deeply at the odd mark as she pondered about her next question. "Vampires have the ability to self heal, yes, but it still requires blood to move the process along. Factors include the severity of the wound, time between feedings and how much they feed." Trent would explain assuming he was answering Nadine's potential next question.

The next few weeks Nadine continued to adjust more to living in her new world. Her desire to want to embrace her new self was occasionally overwhelmed by her old self, much to Trent's appreciation.

"Come on, you can't say there isn't any truth to this." Nadine would say as she read from a thin dark red colored book as she followed behind Trent's footsteps.

They had spent most of the evening unpacking the last of Nadine's belongings from her home. Everything was sent to the compound as Nadine had fully accepted she really had no use for her old home.

In one of the boxes she had found her old tabletop role-playing game books. "This is like Dungeons and Dragons almost, but with vampires." She continued as she lifted her head up in time to run flat into Trent's back.

"What have I told you about things you reading about that crap?" He would turn around to snatch the book out of Nadine's hands.

"Hey, that's not fair!" She'd protest to him before he gave the book back. 

"This is FICTION, if it comes from a book and you weren't told about it by an actual vampire, then it's not true." He'd say before turning back around and continuing to walk.

"At least tell me more then just the basics. I feel like I have to sit and wait for the information to drop into my lap before I learn anything."

The pair entered the room they routinely trained in and Marcus was ready and waiting as he placed a gun into her hand.

"Basics? Simple, point one end at your target and pull the trigger." He'd raise his hand and point a gun he was holding and fired it off, hitting Trent in his shoulder.

"MARCUS!" He'd growl at Marcus who didn't seem phased by pissing Trent off.

"-That- is for my damn suit that you ruined." Marcus fired another round, hitting roughly the same spot again. Trent zipped forward bending Marcus' gun hand back till a loud snap was heard and Marcus released his grip on his gun.

"And what was the second one for?" Trent growled as he held a tight grip on the man's hand.

Nadine was watching the the two men bicker with each other as she looked over the gun in her hands. Both of the men were growling at each other, Trent being upset he was shot twice and Marcus being upset because Trent snapped his hand backwards. Nadine lifted her head up, pointed the gun with one hand, took aim and turned her head away as she pulled the trigger.

"What the fuck?" Marcus howled out in more pain.

The bullet managed to hit her intended target and now Trent was giving a proud smile in Nadine's direction. She'd pull part of the tank top she was wearing to the side to reveal her shoulder which looked as if was bruising in the same location that Trent was shot.

"I felt those! So don't go off shooting him again!" She'd fling the gun onto the floor not wanting to handle it anymore.

"See, I told you from day one that she's remarkable." Trent would say looking back down onto Marcus as he released his grip and pushed the man onto the ground.

"Clean this room up, it's a mess." He would bark an order to Marcus and then Trent led Nadine out of the room.

"Sometimes we aren't fortunate to have a doctor on hand. So," Trent lead Nadine down the hallway to where a lounge area was with several couches around a large flat screen television. "sometimes, you have to tend to your injuries yourself."

Nadine gave him a cringed face as they took a seat on one of the couches and Trent let out an annoyed sigh. "I really don't have the patience to explain the whole 'your a vampire, get over it' speech again."

A Unordinary Vampire TaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon