Chapter 9: Death

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"There's no way it could have been Alexis then. The text implies that you took Alexis away from whoever sent it. Plus, she can't have her phone in that hospital so she couldn't have sent you the text." I didn't even realize but if I send 'flying pigs' Cody shows up within ten minutes. I guess it wasn't really fair; I wasn't in trouble, I just needed him to come over and figure this nonsense out. I couldn't figure it out by myself and he seemed to know what he was doing.
"Who could be sending these though if it isn't her?"
"I don't know, maybe Britney? That is all I can think of. I mean she is a bitch but I don't think she's capable of something like this."
"I guess she does have a reason to hate me; she loves you." I bit my lip in concentration and stared out my window. We were both sitting on my bed facing each other but he just stared at me while I tried to figure this stupid thing out. Yeah, he was help but I don't think he realizes how much danger he could be in.
We were interrupted when my phone started ringing, I swear if it's my stalker, I'm going to die. "Hello? Oh hi Mrs. Johnson! How are y.. what's wrong? Slow down, I can't understand you," my face dropped and Cody must've noticed because he looked very concerned all of a sudden. "I'm so sorry. Okay, I understand. Goodbye." I just stared at my phone until Cody interrupted my thoughts.
"Rach, talk to me. What happened?"
"She's gone." I whispered; it was all I could manage.
"Who is?"
"Meg. Somehow her breathing tube was punctured and it was turned useless but they didn't know until it was too late." That doesn't sound like that something that would just happen and maybe it didn't. I thought it was a prank but that only pushed me backwards. "Maybe if I wouldn't have ever moved here this wouldn't have happened and Meg would be safe and you would be safe and everyone would be. No one would be hurting people close to me because of me. No one would be trying to killing me!" As I said that last sentence, I was pacing and tears started to fall. "This is all my fault." Cody stood up and stepped right in front of my pacing path. He grabbed my elbow with his good hand and looked me right in the eyes. He was quite a bit taller than me but it didn't seem to bother him that he had to look down to see my face.
    "Hey, hey, stop. This is not your fault. This person needs some serious help and we will make sure they get it. I know this is scary but I will make things better. Why don't we stop talking about this and watch a movie to clear your head, okay?" As he said that he wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks, moved my hair out of the way, and kissed my forehead. He grabbed my hand and directed me to my basement. He has been here enough times where he knows his way around my house just as good as his own. "What do you want to watch? You can pick anything."
    "Safe Haven."
"I should've known; that's your favorite." He smiled at me and I sat down in a blanket on our basement couch. He got the disc in and joined me, "come here beautiful." He wrapped me up in his good arm and I laid my head on his beating chest.
    I forgot all about the world around me: Alexis, roses, my stalker, school, everything. Everything seemed okay. So much that I fell asleep in the arms of my boyfriend.
    "Hello, beautiful." I looked up. I hadn't even realized I fell asleep. The movie was long over and Cody just let me sleep, peacefully. It's been awhile since I've gotten any sleep.
    "What time is it?"
    "Ugh you should go." Okay, I meant that in the nicest way possible.
    "But it's Friday. Please don't make me leave," he gave me the puppy dog eyes. I couldn't make him leave, besides I did fall asleep for the first time in forever and that just so happened to be with him.
    "Okay fine, not yet." I repositioned myself so I was no longer laying down but sitting criss cross facing him. I looked up and put a light kiss on his lips; it was small but meaningful. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss and pulled me closer with his good arm. No wonder he is the star football player, he could pick me up with one arm and he did just that. I was now straddling his waist and he moved his kisses from my lips down to my neck and back up again. I giggled into his mouth; let's just say, I am very ticklish, which he seemed to catch onto because he let my lips go and started tickling me right under my ribs. I started laughing uncontrollably and if someone heard, they would probably think a dying seal was getting attacked.
"Cody! Stop!" I tried saying it but it was barely understood between laughs. He started to lay down and I ended up on top of him just staring into his eyes.
"Hey Rachael?"
"You're so beautiful and I just wanted to tell you..."
"AHHHHHHH NO STOP PLEASE" *two gun shots*
We both stopped completely; it sounded like my dad. I rushed upstairs and into his study, Cody was right on my heels. I will never get this image out of my head. My dad was laying lifeless on the ground next to the chair he must've fell off of. The side of his metal neck brace had broken apart and the pieces were barely intact. He was laying in a big pool of blood around his head and his eyes were rolled back into their sockets.
"Cody! Call 911!" He was already getting his phone out. I kneeled next to my dad and held his head up trying to get him to wake up. I was completely aware of the blood I was now covered in but I didn't care. "The ambulance is on its way." I just sobbed.
When the ambulance showed up, they said he was gone and they took him away. My dad was gone.
Long after the paramedics left, I sobbed into Cody's shoulder. We just stood there and cried until there was no more tears left in me.
"I'll bring you to my house, okay?" I just nodded; I was numb. I lost my best friend and my dad in the same day. This couldn't be real but it was. Someone was dead serious about me being with Cody and it seemed like there was no stopping this person.
The car ride was pretty silent over to his house. There wasn't much to be said. What we just saw was stuck in both of our heads and we didn't know what was going to happen next. Where was I going to go? I'm still a couple of months short of being 18, which means I'm not a legal adult and need a home. Would they make me go and live with a foster family? I didn't want to move again. That just went downhill for me and I don't want it to happen all over again. Besides, this nightmare wasn't over yet. My phone buzzed but I was scared to look. What does she want from me now?
It read: Oops, I didn't know cutting the breathing tube would kill Meg, oh wait, I did. Also, I guess breaking the old guys neck wasn't enough to get you to stay away. Here's your last warning, stay. Away. From. Cody.

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