Chapter 8: Flying Pigs

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    What's the point of this? What's the point in scaring someone? What's the point in stalking someone? There is none. No one in this crazy world can find joy in that but clearly someone can and I just so happen to be stuck in the middle of it. Someone obviously doesn't like me and knows more about me than what you can see on the outside but who? I need to make things right. I need to make things better. I can't do that without my best friends but they're so mad at me right now; I got Cody to forgive me so maybe they will too.
    "Hey Ali, can we talk? There's something I want to tell you. When you get this, please call me back." Thanks to Snapchat stories, I already know Sarah and Abby are with her right now so I will just let her tell them. That's a habit I have caught onto that Ali has; she always tells what the person said in her voicemail especially if we all knew that person. Just like I thought, a few minutes later I was getting a call from Ali.
    "Okay, you're on speaker phone with the girls listening. Make it fast."
    "I'm really sorry about everything that happened and I just want you guys to know that I have no idea what I would do without you. There is some things I want to talk to you guys about, can you come over after school tomorrow?"
    "Sure, under one condition."
    "Our new friend Alexis is going to come too." Wait, Alexis?
"Alexis who?"
"Carston, now all four of us will be over tomorrow. Bye, Rachael."
Alexis? Alexis Carston? It's probably a different Alexis, it can't be the same one who escaped rehab. She's mentally crazy! If she comes over we are all in danger. No, it's a different Alexis; only one way to find out.
"Hey Cody, what's your crazy ex's last name?"
"Um Carston, why?" I couldn't move, "Rachael?" She is going to be coming to MY house; I guess it's not like she hasn't been here before. 
"She's going to be coming to my house tomorrow." Suddenly all of my fears came back. "Hey, I have to go, I love you." Before he could respond, I hung up.
I just have to go to bed. Today has been very eventful and tomorrow is going to be crazy long. I told my dad I was ready to go back to school since he let me stay home a couple of days because of Meg's accident. I knew I wasn't going to sleep very well tonight so I just got into bed in my tank top and pj shorts staring at my ceiling. All I could think about was how scared I was to meet my stalker. As if it was on cue, my phone vibrated, lighting up my dark room. It read: I can't wait for tomorrow; I hope you're ready. I have a surprise if you say the wrong thing. I wouldn't if I were you.
I hardly slept that night and even into the beginning of school, I couldn't focus. What could Alexis want from me? I mean I do have her boy toy but still, I can't imagine what her surprise is.
"Hey beautiful," I turned around to meet my new boyfriend and put a small peck on his lips. At least he's still here; depending how tonight goes, I either gain new enemies or get my friends back. I have no clue which one. "What are you so deep in thought about?" God, his smile is cute!
"I just don't know how tonight is going to go." He could definitely tell I was nervous.
"What if you confronted her?"
"I don't know, she says she has a surprise for me and I have no clue what it could be."
"If you feel unsafe, text me and say flying pigs and I'll know to come over, okay?"
"Why flying pigs?" I couldn't help but laugh at him.
"There's that smile I love so much," that is why I love him. The bell rang which meant we were both officially late for our next class, whoops.
"Hey, I'll call you later, remember flying pigs." And with a wink he turned around and walked away.
The rest of the day was a blur and I was so relieved when the last bell of the day rang. I mumbled to myself the whole way out of the building until I heard Barbie talking to her minions. Something about how I'm an ugly hoe who talks to herself but I couldn't care less; I was too focused on getting through this evening. My drive home was only eight minutes give or take a few so it today that seemed like two. I probably looked like I was high on something because I keep swerving into the side of the road and then the annoying, loud noise your car makes when it goes over those bumps, brings me back to reality. Just my luck, I'll run into a stop sign and won't have to have the girls over.
Once I got home, I told my dad I was having a few friends over but he could stay in his study and work. I was just finishing putting the pretzels, the girls and I's favorite sleepover snack, into a bowl when the door bell rang. I took a deep breath and opened the door with a smile. Ali, Sarah, and Abby hugged me and said it was good to see me again. Maybe this won't be that bad after all. I took a long look at Alexis. She was short compared to the rest of us and had shoulder-length blond hair. Her eyes were a gorgeous green and she had perfectly straight teeth. No wonder Cody liked her.
We got comfy in the living room and I decided to start before they all left. "Thank you girls for coming, especially you, Alexis, I have to meet the new member of our squad." I said with a smile. I went on saying how sorry I was and how I didn't mean to offend anyone.
"It's okay, Rach, we all still love you." Sarah was the first to talk this time. Abby and Ali smiled, nodded, and agreed with Sarah. That wasn't so bad. I looked over at Alexis and she looked uncomfortable; poor girl.
"Next thing I wanted to say was I don't know what is going on with this anonymous stalker." I went on to tell them what has happened while they weren't talking to me, "quite honestly, I'm pretty scared."
"Oh sweetie, we will all be here for you and keep you safe from this crazy person. We will figure out who is behind all of this, okay?" This time it was Ali, I really missed having her around.
"Okay, thank you guys so much, I love you all." It was already six and I had no idea where the time went. I had so much homework to catch up on and guaranteed, I wasn't going to sleep well. They seemed to have read my mind because they all stood up and started to leave.
"It was nice seeing you again, Rach, see you tomorrow," she kissed me on the cheek and left with Abby and Sarah. Alexis still stood in the door way for some reason.
"Hey, um do you want something to drink or maybe a ride?" I didn't know what to do.
"I'll have some water." She didn't even say please and followed me into the kitchen. I couldn't believe my eyes, there, on the counter, was a red rose with a note attached. I was brought back to reality when Alexis said "oo who's that from?"
"Oh! Probably just Cody, I don't know if you know him but he's my boyfriend." She definitely knew him, I could see the anger in her eyes and suddenly I was scared. "I'll be right back." Before I could stop myself, I called the police and told them The escaped Alexis Carston was in my house. I gave them my address and hung up. She was definitely going to hate me now.
I went back to the kitchen and made basic small talk until the police showed up, which was only 15 minutes. As they took her away, I could see the hurt in her eyes. She just left willingly and I was surprised considering she escaped a mental hospital.
I went back to the kitchen and read the note: Wrong! That's three and I wouldn't test it.
Instantly I got a text; You gave someone close to me away so now I will repay the favor.
I sent Cody "Flying pigs" and went upstairs. 

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