Chapter 1: First Day

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I walked through the hallway on my first day of my new school. The nerves in my stomach were going crazy and I swear as I walked down the hallway, everyone I passed could hear my heart beating.
This is my senior year so it's supposed to be the time of my life but when my dad got a promotion and we had to move across the country right before school started, I was so upset. Let me explain something; I had the perfect life. Nice friends, lots of money, popularity, the looks, and the best boyfriend in the world, Max. I'm not that snotty popular girl that has minions follow her every move, it's just me and my best friends Meg and Raquel. Anyways, I was super pumped for this year and that quickly changed. I went from the most known girl in the school to a nobody.
I forgot I had to find the office to get my schedule or whatever.
"Um excuse me, I'm new. Can you please tell me where the office is?" I asked a girl that looked nice.
"Like I'm going to help you, I don't help people wearing that." Said the girl I now regretted talking to.
"At least I'm wearing clothes." I decided to say because I was just noticing she was wearing a very tight v-neck and her boobs were showing a lot more than should be allowed. A necklace hung just above her cleavage. I looked at the rest of her outfit which consisted of a mini skirt and heels. Her hair was perfectly curled and she had so much makeup on, I couldn't tell what her real face looked like. She was a perfect impression of Barbie. Her friends all looked pretty much the same as her. 'Slutty much' I thought to my self.
"Excuse me? Do you even know who you're talking to? You've got a lot of nerve newbie to talk to me like that." Said Barbie.
"You're kind of pretty and might be something here other than the nobody so let's get this straight, I wouldn't mess with her. She could ruin your life." Her friend added and laughed with her friends.
I just decided to leave because little does she know, I'm a lot tougher than she thinks. As I decided to just roam and try to find it myself, a girl came up to me. She seemed nice but assuming got me a talk with Barbie so I didn't make any conclusions.  She had very dark brown hair that went down to her shoulders and had glasses. Her eyes are a very bright blue and she was very pretty.
"Hi, I'm Alison but people call me Ali. I heard you're new and need to get to the office?" Ok, I just started off rough.
"Uhh yeah, I'm Rachael. I'm new." No dip, everyone knows you're new. "Isn't the bell going to ring any minute? Don't you need to get to whatever the first class is?" Realizing I don't need to ruin someone else's first day of your senior year.
"Yeah, but it's fine. I'll help you. By the way the first class is homeroom but it only lasts 10 minutes. I saw you talking to Britney, Izzy, Julia, and Lilly. They are the mean girls of the school but it's crazy all the guys want them because they're "hot" but they are dramatic and pretty much get whatever they want."
"I can see that. Does Barbi- I mean Britney do anything but flirt because that's all I'm seeing right now." As we walked past her I noticed she was all over this really cute guy and I mean REALLY cute. He looked super uncomfortable and I felt almost bad for him. "Are they dating?"
"Heck no! He's the star player on the football team and his names Cody. Every girl wants him, especially Britney. That girl is all over him and he wants nothing to do with her.." She kept talking about him and I seemed to zone out a little bit. I mean wow. No Rachael, you can't think that. He's probably one of those players and will want nothing to do with you. I was brought back to reality when the bell rang and I realized Ali and I were the only ones in the hallway. "Earth to Rachael. He so looked at you and smiled! You're only into your first few minutes into your first day and THE Cody Johnson smiled at you! Girl, you're going to have boys chasing you from left and right." We both laughed at that comment. "Well here it is, I'll see you after school if we have no classes together, which is very unlikely because there are so many to choose from and more than one teacher for each class."
"Ok, Thank you so so much Ali!"
After she left I went into the office and got my schedule. I already missed homeroom so I decided to go to science and meet Mr. Mathews before everyone got there. I talked to the teacher and then he told me where my spot was. The classroom was very big. It had lab stations all around it on the edges and then desks in the middle. The desks weren't put together so it was like I was on my own island surrounded by other islands. As the other students started coming in, I studied them. I wonder if these people are really smart or if I'm in a class where comments are shouted out at random and the whole class laughs at the stupid joke. Those types of people bother the crap out of me. I was too busy looking around, I didn't even notice a girl sat down next to me.
"Hey, I'm Abby. My friend Ali told me about you." She was also pretty like Ali. She had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. "She also said you met Britney which I'm very sorry about, she can be a bitch at times. Buuuut she said Cody noticed you!" She smirked.
"Shut up." She laughed at that because I could feel my face getting red. "I'm Rachael and yeah I met Ali this morning."
"Alright class so before we get started I have some rules in my classroo-" He got cut off by the door opening and a guy rushing in. "Mr Cody Johnson, late on your first day?" Mr. Mathews did not look impressed. "Have a seat in the only empty chair because you're the only one that decided to show up late."
That chair was right in front me! I'm amazing at science and love it so much but what happens when he sits in front of me? I'll tell you what happened. I barely knew what Mr. Mathews was talking about and I practiced staring instead. The class flew by and the bell rang. The rest of the day flew by just as fast.
After school, I went to find Ali and Abby. As I waited in the Atrium, I read my book because even though it was the first day, I had a ton of homework.
"Hey." I didn't even realize someone walked up to me but by the sound of the voice this person was male.
"Hey." Then I looked up. Cody Johnson was talking to me?
"I'm Cody and you are?"
"Rachael, I'm new here and I like science." Please tell me you didn't just say that! You sound like a dork. Alright, you figured it out. New boys are my weakness. Back in my old school I knew them all so it wasn't a problem. But now I could feel my face getting red.
"Uh cool, so do I." He went with it? He didn't walk away? "You're the cute girl that sits behind me aren't you?"
"Yep, that's me." I didn't know what to say. Then it all clicked. He was messing with my head. "Ok, so I'm going to go because I don't need to be falling into your trap like guys like you tend to do."
"No, wait. Fall into my trap?" Clearly, he didn't get it.
"You're trying to get into my head."
"I'm trying to be nice." Is he mad? "But hey we should hang sometime, what's your number?" Ok, maybe not.
"You're stupid, you know that?" I say as I write down my number for him and he just laughed.
"I'll take that as a compliment. I'll see you later Rachael." And he walked away.
I just stood there for awhile processing what just happened. Did I really just give my number to that guy? He probably won't even use the number. Oh god I have some explaining to do because here comes Ali, Abby and someone I don't know.
"OMG WERE YOU JUST TALKING TO CODY?!" I knew Ali was going to say something like that.
"Uh yeah?"
"Wow so he's interested." Said the person I didn't know and smirked. She clearly noticed my confusion. "By the way, I'm Sarah."
I knew these girls were like how Meg, Raquel and I were. Sarah had blonde hair half way down her back and brown eyes. They are all super pretty and I can tell they're going to be the group I fit into most.
After I explained it them, they were satisfied and I told them I had to go. I got all there numbers and gave them mine.
"See ya later, Rach." Ali already had a nickname for me?!
So that day didn't absolutely suck. I thought to myself later that night. Right as I was about to go to bed I got a text and when I looked at my phone I realized I had a message from Meg, Ali, and an anonymous number. I looked at Meg's first 'Everyone misses you so much girl! Especially Raquel, Max and I :-( You need to visit soon!' I can easily respond to that. Next I looked at Ali's 'Hope you had a good first day, see you tomorrow :-)' I have really nice friends oh my goodness. Now the anonymous number
'Stay away from Cody, or else. Besides someone like him would NEVER like someone like you.'

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