Chapter 11: Goodbye

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"Abby? You're my stalker?" She pointed a gun right at me, "you don't have to do this. Please, just talk to me."
"You stole everything from me. Ali was MY best friend and then you came and stole her from me. She and I did everything together but now she's all like 'sorry, I'm with Rachael' and Cody. You took him from me too. He was mine; you had no right to come here and make him love you. Well it's too late now because once you're gone, things will go back to the way they were before you made everyone's life a living hell." She had gritted teeth and a devil look in her eyes.
    "You're not going to do anything to her," all of a sudden Cody was right behind me.
    "What are you doing? She's crazy, go back downstairs." I whispered to him like Abby wasn't standing right there.
    "She's right, Cody, I am crazy.." she gave a sad face like she was being empathetic, "but she's going to be just as dead as these flowers right here so I'd back up so she doesn't get her blood all over you just like her tears."
    "How did you know all of this?" I was so confused as to how she could get ahold of all my information.
    "Sweetie, it's the 21st century, cameras can go a long way. Also, I put a tracking device in your car so I could follow your every move. Edith's car? She was my great grandma so that wasn't hard to get ahold of. I was in your friend circle, Rachael, you told us a lot; all I had to do was execute it. It was all too
easy really."
    "What about you getting stabbed?"
    "I'm a good actress, plus a little bandage can go a long way." She was smirking now and unwrapped her hand. It was perfectly fine; I didn't know what to say but she did start freaking out. "I gave you everything!!" She was screaming now. "And how did you repay me?! You steal everything from me!!"
    She fired her gun right at me and I was waiting for the excruciating pain from the bullet to hit me but it never came. Before I knew what I was doing, I ran at her and threw the gun across the room and pinned her down.
    "Why did you do this to me?" I was crying now but I wasn't even going to try and stop it. Too much has happened for me to be strong now, "do you have any idea how much pain you caused me?"
    "Awe did I make little miss perfect upset? Sound familiar?" It did. She texted that to me when she was still anonymous and I was still thinking it was a mean prank instead of a dead serious situation. "If you let me go, I won't hurt you or anyone close to you ever again. Please." I looked down at her and she still had an evil look in her eye, like she had something else planned that no one knew about.
    "I hope you understand what you did and have to deal with it for the rest of your life." I said softly. I'm not usually that harsh but I was in a mindset that she did nasty things to people I love.
    "We will take it from here," I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw a police officer. "We are getting your friend into the ambulance right now." Cody! What? I ran down to see him laying on the stretcher as they pushed him into the ambulance.
    "Ma'am you can't come with, I'm sorry." A paramedic stopped me in my tracks and I had to watch them take my boyfriend away.
    "Wait! No! I need to see him. What happened?"
    "He suffered a gun shot wound. It was on his shoulder so he will be okay but he's losing a lot of blood so we need to get stitches in quickly." That's why the pain never came. Cody got in the way of it; he saved me. I ran to my car and was going 10 over the speed limit but isn't it okay if it's an emergency? In my mind it is.
As quickly as I could I went into the hospital and asked the front lady to direct me to Cody's room.
"I'm sorry but it would be more appropriate if you had pants on then I will let you know." I looked down and completely forgot I was still in Cody's
t-shirt. Crap. Luckily I'm one of of those girls who keeps a change of clothes in her car for emergencies. Most people say I'm crazy for doing it, if only they could see me now.
I threw on my leggings and went back to the lady.
"That's better, he's in room 218 on the second floor."
I went up to see him sleeping. I walked in and gently put my hand on his. "You saved me. You didn't have to do that; I don't think I can ever repay you. Cody, I'm so thankful for you. You stuck with me even when you were in danger. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't already called the cops because I probably wouldn't be here if you didn't. Thank you so so so much." A few tears started streaming down my face and I just let them. I stared at my boyfriend who essentially saved my life. "I love you more than there are stars in the sky." He opened his eyes and whispered back to me.
"I couldn't live without you. I love you too, Rachael." His eyes shut once more. I realized, just like he said, everything would be okay.

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