Chapter 5: Roses

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    "I was walking into the hospital when I was typing your text when a car rushed in front of me pushing me off balance. I fell backwards and snapped my elbow when I was trying to catch myself." I couldn't believe this! She snapped the star player of the football teams elbow! They still have one more game and he's in a cast up to his shoulder plus a sling!
"Wait, if a car rushed in front of you.."
"I got the license plate in a picture so we can find the owner of the car."
"Wow I feel like we're in a movie and we're spy's." He just laughed. "So when are you getting out of here?"
"Whenever someone drives me home." He was clearly hinting that I take him home.
"Alright let's go." He did a huge sigh and got up. Although he acted like he didn't care, he obviously did. After we checked him out, I drove him and his car home. I remembered mine was still here since I had to take a cab when I found out he wasn't with my dad, he was getting his arm all full of plaster or whatever the cast material is.
When we got home I told him I was going back to see my dad. This time he didn't refuse, he just told me to be absolutely careful and alert, which I laughed at until I realized he was dead serious so I left.
I has walking into my dads hospital room when I got a call, which I obviously answered because it was Cody.
'I tracked the license plate and it belongs to an old women named Edith Beiring but when I googled her name, a lot of stuff came up about a funeral. This women died a few months ago so they must've stolen her car.'
"Seriously? I thought we would get somewhere with this but it brought us to a dead women?"
'Yep, I'm afraid so. I'll let you go now.' And he hung up. Of course I got a text because I swear I do every time I make any connection what so ever with Cody.
'Stop trying to get somewhere because it will only make things worse. You will never get anywhere.'
I just let it go instead of having a panic attack. I went and talked to dad for awhile. Cody was right, he seemed to be doing a lot better and was happier then earlier I feel like. Turns out he can come home soon but since he's still having a lot of pain he has to stay longer than 24 hours which didn't make me happy but as long as he's doing better, that's good. I'll take slow progress over no progress any day. I told him I loved him and I had to go. I had to go talk to Cody. I'm so stupid going and talking to him but I need someone right now.
When I got downstairs and was about to leave, the front desk lady started talking to me.
"This is for you." She held out a rose.
"Who is it from?"
"I was told not to tell you."
"Umm ok well if you see the person again tell them thank you for me." And I left.
My phone beeped.
'We're going to play a game. I'm going to put a rose down somewhere where you'll find it. You'll find a rose anytime you made a huge mistake. Every time a rose appears, you are one mistake closer to death. After you get five roses, you better watch your back. You have four left because this one was for everything you've done so far. Let me give you some advice: Don't die :)'


Hey, how do you like the story so far? It's a bit rough around the edges, I know, but I hope you like it!

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