Chapter five: Whispered secrets and hidden letters part II

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So here’s part two of chapter five, please, please, vote comment and tell me what you think. Enjoy.

Delilah’s p.o.v

To say the day has passed quickly would be a lie; it’s dragged on longer than any other day. I spent most of the day up in my room alone. After yesterday’s nightmare I did what I always do I crept upstairs to my room, went to my cupboard and took out what I needed except last night was special so I took out two objects and went outside. I didn’t return to the medical room, I stayed in my room awake the entire night. Mum was in a frenzy looking for me when she didn’t find me in the medical room though it didn’t take her long to find me huddled up in the corner of my room. She let me be, saying that I needed my privacy and so I stayed there until now.

Standing up from my ancient position my legs feel numb, my body drained from energy. The curtains are pulled closed, blocking away any form of light from entering my room. The Coldness in the temperature has me shivering. Dark and cold, just like his funeral, and I have my room to remind me every day. The brightest thing in my room is the digital alarm clock, 3:12 pm it reads. I’ve been sitting in this room for just over twelve hours staring into nothingness.

Removing the bandage around my arm, I recoat the fresh wound with antiseptic. You’d think with all the glass I broke last night I’d get a cut at least, instead I ended up with a burn after the match fell on me while outside. Fire. A;ways fire...


Sitting at the window seat, I watch everyone gather outside below me, except for Bianca and Samuel. I’m surprised to learn that Bianca is still asleep, as for Samuel he went to school. Outside Adam plays in the backyard, laughing while mum pushes him on the swings, his feet dangling in the air freely. Mum however holds a grim smile, she smiles sadly while Adam continues laughing, I guess I’m not the only who feels guilty. She’s lied to him too, we all have.

I haven’t seen anyone cry yet, and quite frankly I don’t think I can handle it if they did.

“You’re awake.” My fingers grip tightly at the cushioned seat beneath me. Her voice is different, hurt clearly evident. Without meeting her eyes I nod.

“I just woke up if you’re wandering.” She continues, sensing her beside me I turn to her. Her eyes hold bags, no sight of makeup used on her face, dressed in a black hoddie and grey sweatpants she looks kind of like me.  

“How you holding up?” she enquires with concern. Shrugging my shoulders I resume staring outside the window. Resting her warm hands on my shoulder she speaks.

“No-one’s expecting you to stay strong you can let down your barrier even if it’s just for today. If you want to talk you-“

“I’m fine Bianca.” I replied sternly, shrugging her palm of me, I exit the living room. Without turning back I walk back up to the safety of my room.

Bianca’s p.o.v

Munching on chocolate flavoured cereal, I think about what Samuel said. He wants me to not question whatever it is he’s going to do. Dropping the spoon restlessly into my bowl with a clang, Mayella enters the kitchen.

“You don’t look too good lovey.” Mayella announces while placing my bowl into the dish washer. It seems weird only Mayella and I in the kitchen and what’s even weirder is the fact she’s starting on dinner already.

“Hey Mayella?” taking out a knife I join her with cutting the tomatoes, after all she will be cooking for eight other people.

“Yes lovey? And Bianca dear you don’t have to help” Mayella motions to my already slicing hands.

A smile for Dee (I'm currently removing it, read the new version)Where stories live. Discover now