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I don't really ship this, I don't hate it but I don't like it either I'm like indifferent towards it. The ship is okay I guess, I mean Lokes flirting can be really funny, but because Loke is such a player I don't think he'd be the type to do well in staying in one relationship. Not to mention I'm positive spirits don't age considering Aquarius hasn't aged since Lucy was a child, so it would be weird to see a grown up Lucy and a younger Loke together. Besides there are much more developed and better Lucy ships out there that would make much more sense then this but I can see why people would ship them, as the ship is also a lot better then other Lucy ships as well. I won't deny they had some chemistry during Loke's arc and at first their relationship was nicely developed but in the end I don't think Lucy shares those feelings towards Loke, he's her spirit as she considers them all family, and I definitely see the two as just friends.I will admit as well the fan art can be really cute or really funny.



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