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Well they do bicker like a married couple which is funny and adorable, their ship reminds me of how a lot if arguing couples act nowadays, although they can be a bit overboard at time. I think the reason why I like this ship is because I don't like Evergreen all that much, but I do like Elfman and I feel as if Elfman really brings out the best in Evergreen's character and I don't find her as annoying. It's quite funny when she gets flustered and embarrassed. I wouldn't go so far to call this ship my OTP or an amazing pairing because I haven't seen enough of it to call it that. I'm glad the ship isn't constantly thrown in my face.I'm just really picky about what I want with ships I guess, I like having lots of shipping moments between characters just as long as it doesn't get in the way of the plot. But I don't get that with Elfgreen and I feel like both of these characters need more screen time in general. If I knew more about Evergreen I might actually like her character, but I do like her around Elfman. I also found it sweet how supporting she was of him in the grand magic games that was really sweet. To be honest they're isn't to much I can say about this ship other then the fact that I think they're quite a sweet and cute pairing just not my favourite.


Rating- 7.2/10

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