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This is still one of my favourite pairings in fairy tail and it's mostly because I feel like their personalities and what they've been through would really help bring them together and make them a great couple and it's obvious how much they deeply care for each other, and lots of other guild mates see it and tease them about it to, and Natsu and Lucy no longer have any romantic interests for anyone but each other. It's clear as day this pairing is going to happen and it deserves to,and I do like this pairing a lot but I just don't like it as much as I used to. Now before you hate and scream at me in the comments here me out😂 I don't ship anyone else with Natsu and Lucy so it's not anything like that I still really love the two together but I do feel like there are some moments that are a bit forced. And there are some moments where I kinda cringe to be honest like you have really sweet and sincere moments like where Lucy hugs Natsu at the end of the GMG arc, but also on the GMG arc you have moments where you see Natsu and Lucy naked or Natsu trying to "cover" Lucy. But we all know that was a lie😉😂 These moments made me laugh but at the same time it makes me annoyed when it's also meant to be a romantic moment, because you do have so many moments that are just thrown at you and I know they are the main characters but they get that much screen time that it's kinda gets a little old after a while, and you don't need lots of romantic moments for a ship to be developed really well. And I really want Natsu and Lucy to get together but I wish they had more moments dedicated to their friendship first before they threw in these romantic moments and I wish some of the moments they shared were wrote and handled with better. But this doesn't mean I hate Nalu in the slightest, it's still a really good couple and when they do share those sincere moments they are very powerful moments, and the two work of each other really well, I just think it needed more time to develop but I still can't imagine them with anyone else and most of the fan base can't either because it's the most popular ship in the fairy tail community. Nalu is still one of the best ships in fairy tail and I really like it and I really do hope it happens and it probably will considering the amount of moments and Hiro even saying what their child would be called if they had one.

OTP/Notp/Brotp/Okay\Cute but don't ship it

Rating- 8/10

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