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I don't really ship this anymore, when I first watched the beginning of the series I shipped it, but not completely considering Lissanna was "dead" at the time. But I do think they had some cute moments when they were younger, but not anymore they barely interact anymore when Lissana came back I thought it was to do with Nali but that's clearly not the case with the amount of moments Natsu and Lucy have been given. I don't like Nali but I can respect it and the people who ship, and I do think people over react about this ship sometimes and I don't mean just disliking it because if you dislike it your entitled to your opinion I mean I don't like it myself. But whenever I see a Nali fan there's always someone being mean to them or not respecting there opinion, honestly I pity the ship and its fan base they have to deal with a lot purely based on their own opinion. The reason why the majority of fans hate the Nali or more specifically Lissanna in the first place is because they see her as getting in the way of Nalu's relationship, but I mean she doesn't even interract with Natsu much anymore. And she's friends with Lucy she's not trying to steal Natsu away or anything like that, she supports their relationship. Honestly I can't rant much about the ship itself because I don't love it and I don't hate it either. I just pity the ship and the hate it does get. But I mean I respect people's opinions if they hate or dislike it, but all I'm going to say is whether you love or hate Nali or like me simply just don't care about it then just make sure to respect other people's opinions as well. I'll admit one thing though Nali fans are really talented when it comes to their fan art and making it look cute.


Rating- 5/10

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