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This is another really popular ship and I do like it a lot just not as much as other ships. I think the development with the ship is pretty decent I mean you can see how Gray starts to slowly care for Juvia. And obviously Juvia cares for Gray I mean Juvia is in love with Gray that's the whole point of this ship it's meant to be a comedy thing where Juvia is so in love with Gray. But it's a bit deeper then that given Juvia's back story it makes sense why she's love him after all she's been so lovely for so long. And whenever Juvia makes mistakes that upset Gray she'll feel really bad. Not to mention she's willing to sacrifice anything for him. I do feel like Gray's feeling needed more time to develop though and a lot of the times he could let her down nicely but he doesn't want to let her down and he's just being tsundare, which can honestly annoy me a bit. To be honest though I don't really like either of these characters that much and I feel like Gray kinda ruined Juvia's character. I still like Juvia's character just not as much as I used to. Because even when Juvia likes Gray she'd still fight for her friends and she wanted to prove to herself that's she's a fairy tail wizard and that she cares for the members of the guild and that she'd fight for them. But in recent arcs all Juvia's character is based on is her crush on Gray, and I'm talking more about the manga because she hasn't really fought that much. The ship still had nice development though and while I don't like what the manga has been doing with Juvia's character I blame that more on the writing then the ship it self. The ship is still really good though and it's cute and funny even if it can get repetitive, and I definitely ship it, and this is another couple that's obviously going to get together as well and I'd say it's pretty close to becoming canon.


Rating- 7.8/10

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