Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 21

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~Chapter 21~

It took 2 hours, four cups of tea and a whole box of tissues, before Taylor and Ed had both finally spilt everything about anything they'd gone through to eachother.

Ed had admitted how messed up his previous relationship had left him, and how he still wasn't completely over her.

Taylor had admitted more about her first love than she'd ever admitted to anyone, and had then gone on to tell him about the boy who's heart she'd broken and the boy who'd broke her heart on her birthday not so long ago.

She'd ended up breaking down into floods of tears at one point, to which Ed immediately reacted by soothing her with words of comfort and advice and holding her in his strong arms.

And now they were just laid on the sofa, staring at their reflections in the blank TV screen. Wrapped in each others arms, Taylor felt completely comfortable with Ed now, like nothing would ever shock her about him. But there was still one thing they weren't quite ready for. And that was a relationship.

For now, Taylor knew her and Ed were going to have to just stay friends, as Ed still had some things to get over and she knew she needed to be patient with him. She knew that if the situation was the other way around, he'd be patient with her.

Eventually, Ed let out a sigh which broke the silence between them.

"So..." Was all he said. He didn't carry it on which anything, as he probably had nothing to say.

What could you say? There was nothing left to say after spilling every secret and fear you've ever had to someone.

To Taylor's surprise, Ed found something.

"You still like me after all that?"

"Are you kidding?" Taylor asked, rolling over slightly so that she was facing him. "To love someone is to love all of them. Every flaw, every secret, every pain, every tear, every joy. All of them, even the bits you don't like,"

At first Taylor thought Ed would mention 'Great Philosopher Swift' again, but instead he commented on something she'd said.

"To love?" He asked, meeting her eyes.

Taylor instantly blushed and looked away. "Oh, I don't know, you know it's the same about friendship and families know, any relationship!" Taylor stumbled on her words.

Ed continued watching her, before pushing himself out of her arms to stand up. Shaking his head, he began to pace the room.

"You's gonna take a while right? I mean...I'm still pretty hung up over-"

"I know," Taylor interrupted, sitting up straight. Her heart did a somersault inside her chest at the thought of waiting even longer to jump into a relationship with Ed, but she ignored it. "I'll wait,"

"But you shouldn't have to!" Ed cried, still pacing. "You don't deserve to have to wait for someone, you deserve to go out there and find someone perfect who's ready to date you!"

"I don't care, Ed,"

"But you should! Don't get me wrong, I really, really like you a lot but...I don't know how like it's going to take for me to find myself again and I don't want to have to put you through that, knowing-"

Before he could continue, Taylor stood up and held his shoulders still, stopping his pacing.

"Ed, I don't care. I'll wait until you're over whatever you're going through right now. Don't worry about me!"

Ed shook his head immediately, facing away from her.

"Why do you even like me? I'm a mess,"

Taylor sighed, and wondered for a second, before the answer came to her like a sudden lightning strike in the middle of a dark night.

"Because you're almost as messed up as me,"


OMG! Two/three chapters left until the end!

I really love writing this book as well :(

I really need advice on what to write next though, so if you have any ideas please tell me in the comments!:D

As always, thanks for reading!


(PS, I feel I should add:

The two lines I wrote where Ed goes 'Why'd you even like me? I'm a mess,' and then Tay goes 'Because you're almost as messed up as me' Is sadly not a line I wrote.

It's a line I got from How I Met Your Mother and it's one of my favourite lines from the programme.

Subsequently, HIMYM is one of my favourite EVER programmes, so all credits for those two lines go to them.

All the other lines are my own though


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