Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 9

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~Chapter 9~

Taylor woke up the next morning, with all the excitement from last night gone. Ed was coming tomorrow! And at the moment, she felt like running away! After a few hours of just lying in bed and thinking, Taylor pulled herself up, jumped in the shower, and then got dressed. It was now 3pm and the day seemed to be going past really quickly. Too quickly.

After wandering down the stairs, stepping over Meredith as she went, Taylor walked into her lounge, where her guitar and the piece of paper she'd wrote the song on were still laid on the floor. Running her hand down the guitar, Taylor read through the lyrics and couldn't help but feel quite proud and happy of what she'd wrote. The only problem was the next verse! Just as she was picking up her pen to write down an idea, her phone buzzed beside her. Picking it up, Taylor expected to see Selena's name flashing on her phone. But instead, she saw a number she didn't recognise. Confused, she unlocked her iPhone and clicked onto her messages. With a jolt, she realised the message was from Ed!

Hey Taylor, are we still up for tomorrow?

It's Ed btw:)

Where about's do you live?


Giggling at the fact that he'd left a kiss at the bottom, Taylor quickly typed her address in the next message and sent it off, with another kiss at the bottom.

Ok, see ya then!



Taylor couldn't help but ring Selena immediacy, just to tell her the news.



"Ed texted!!"

"What did he say?"

"Oh, you know, just to find out where I live for tomorrow...but he left a kiss at the bottom!"

"Lucky you!" Selena sounded tired and a little dopey, and Taylor wondered whether she'd just got up.

"You alright?"

"I've been better..." Sighed Selena. "But I'm feeling happier after yesterday!"

"Good!" Smiled Taylor. "Ok I'll text you later, yeah?"

"Ok, bye Taylor!"


Hanging up, Taylor stared down at the piece of paper by her foot, a smile still etched on her face. After a few minutes, Taylor gave up once again and walked over to the window sill. Today, the Sky was bright blue, unlike yesterday, and a bright orange sun was splattered on the bluey background. It was a truly beautiful day, but Taylor felt as though she was stood in the pouring rain. Butterflies were fluttering around her her stomach, just like outside in the sun. She felt scared and unsure on everything! She felt confused, and like nothing made sense anymore up. Sighing, Taylor wandered outside and sat on her garden, next to the flower beds.

Eventually, the hot orange sun sunk down into a cloudless, still warm, night sky, making Taylor get up and head up to her bedroom. As Taylor sat on her bed, staring at the clothes she and Selena had picked out to wear tomorrow, she sighed and lay back, curling up on the bed. Now that it was 8pm, and Ed was coming really soon, she wasn't sure on anything anymore. She wasn't sure on the outfit she'd chosen, what she was going to say or if she even wanted him to come anymore! After half an hour, Taylor changed into a baggy sweater and track suit bottoms and curled up into her bed. After sneaking into the room, Meredith pounced up onto her bed and curled up, on top of the covers, next to Taylor's feet.

"Night Mere," Taylor called, as she closed her eyes and waited to fall asleep.


The next morning, Taylor woke up early, around 6ish and ran straight to the shower. After ten minutes, Taylor jumped out of the shower, her hair held up by a hand towel, and grabbed some underwear. After putting those on, she looked over what she'd decided to wear, and thought, again, about maybe wearing something else. After a few minutes, Taylor shook the thought off and pulled her dark blue sweater on. With it, she pulled on a light blue skater skirt and some plain black, long socks. Standing in front of the mirror, Taylor looked at her reflection. Thinking again about wearing something else, Taylor reached for some more clothes, when a message destracted her.

Good look for today!

Have fun:)

Selena xx

Quickly sending a message of thanks back, Taylor, once again, shook off the idea of wearing something else, for good this time, and instead grabbed her hairdryer. After drying her hair and straightening it, Taylor grabbed her small bag of makeup and applied a little mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. She didn't want to look too over the top.

Ed wasn't coming till 12, but Taylor was ready at 9:30. Sitting downstairs on the sofa, Taylor simply stared at her clock on the wall, begging time to move faster. But it obviously didn't.

By 11, Taylor had baked two cakes, chocolate and Victoria sponge, and several batches of cookies. Now she was stood, Meredith in her arms, munching on one of her cookies, staring out of the window. Eventually, 12 came and suddenly Taylor wished time would move slower, rather than faster, like she had previously wished.

Unable to cope with standing by the window for any longer, Taylor ran off to the kitchen and, wiped down all the sides. She was running our of things to do now, so after that she just wandered over to her piano and practised some songs. At 12:15 Taylor started to get worried. Despite him only being 15 minutes late, she felt as though he was years late. Sighing, she slammed her fingers on the piano, listening to the sound echo through the room. Just as the sound was getting quiet, there was a knock at the door.

Jumping up, her heart hammering as fast as a hummingbirds, she ran to the window and looked out. There, on her doorstep, in dark blue jeans and a blue jumper, stood Ed Sheeran.

Sorry, this chapter was really short! Couldn't really think what to do on this one, so sorry if it was a bit boring...:/ it's gonna get better, now Eds arrived!

I'm gonna wait until I've got at least 3 more votes on this chapter, before uploading the next, so VOTE!

Sorry if the above annoyed you, I just need the votes:/


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