Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 5

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-Chapter 5-

Two hours before Selena was due to pick her up, Taylor was freaking out. The only message she'd received about what to wear for the party was a message this afternoon from Selena that said:


Can't wait to see you tonight..

I'll pick you up at 6:30, Kay?

Oh and I'm wearing this for tonight

She had then enclosed an image of the strapless blue dress she was wearing. It was a midnight blue, with sparkly diamonds underneath the bust. It was beautiful.

So I'll talk to you later, Taylor,

See ya later!

S Xxxx

"What do I wear?" Taylor moaned to herself as she searched through her wardrobe. Usually she'd go out dress shopping before a party to choose a dress to wear. She pulled out a bright pink one strap dress but instantly threw it backwards onto the bed.

"Too bright!" She muttered, still glaring at the wardrobe. After about half an hour of pulling out dresses, before throwing them backwards she sank down against the bed, sighing loudly. Her cat Meredith came crawling up to her, pouncing on her lap.

"Hey," Taylor said, smiling down at her cat. "What do you think I should wear, then?" After scolding herself for thinking her cat would reply, Taylor jumped up and reconsidered the option of not wearing a dress. Maybe a top and a skirt?

After another ten minutes, Taylor pulled out her favourite red and black patterned skater dress out of the wardrobe and headed to the shower.


"Taylor!" Selena shouted, as soon as her eyes fell on the blonde.

"Selena!" Taylor shouted back, grinning as Selena ran towards her, her arms outstretched. "You look amazing!"

"Aww, thanks!" Cried Selena, her arms wrapping around her friends neck. "I'd like to say the same about you but..."

"Hey!" Cried Taylor, returning her friends hug.

"Well, you wanna impress Ed right?"

"Selena, seriously, I..."

Selena laughed. "Don't even try to deny it, Taylor!"

"Well, I..." Hesitated Taylor. "Fine! I like him...I little...but I've never met him, Selena!"

"Yeah, so I was thinking Taylor's gonna meet him for the first time tonight, so she's gonna dress to impress, right? Wrong! You've worn that dress like 200 times before, Tay!"

"I know, I know but I just didn't know what to wear! If you'd have given me more notice, then..."

"Alright!" Laughed Selena. "Were both as bad as each other! Now come on, or were going to be late! And I can't be late to my OWN boyfriends party, can I?" Selena lead the way over to her shiny, newly polished car.

"Oh yeah, how are you and Justin?" Asked Taylor as she slid into the passenger seat.

Selena smiled to herself. "Great. Really great, actually,"

"Awesome..." Muttered Taylor as she leant over to switch on the radio. She'd never been the biggest fan of Justin and Selena. After there mixed on again off again relationship that had been going on for a while now, Taylor had come to the conclusion that they weren't the best couple. But if it made Selena happy, then she didn't want to get involved and upset her friend.

"Aww, it's his song!" Laughed Selena as Baby played through the radio.

"I like this one," grinned Taylor, dancing in her seat to the music.

"Yeah it's cute," Smiled Selena, as she began to drive.

"So who else is gonna be at this party tonight?"

"Ermm..." Selena tapped her painted fingernails on the steering wheel as she thought. "The Wanted, I think. Robert Pattinson, Demi Lovato....Ed Sheeran," On the last name Selena watched Taylor out of the corner of her eye, grinning.

"Will you shut up!"

"I didn't say anything!" Laughed Selena, still watching Taylor.

"Yes you did! Would you quit going on about Ed! What's he doing in the US anyway? I thought he was British?"

"I thinks he's over here to look for artists to work with or something...I don't really know, to be honest." A cheeky grin lit up her face. "Maybe it's too find the girl of his dreams!"

"Seriously? Shut up Selena!"

"But your in luuuurve with him!"

"Omg, Selena!"

"What it's true!"

"Selena, I've never met him!"

"That doesn't stop Cupid striking his arrow of luuuuuurve!"

After a moment of silence, the two girls burst into fits of laughter.

"What are you on about, Selena?"

"I don't know!" Giggled Selena, "I swear if you added our mental ages together, it'd be about equal to a four year olds!"

"Maybe a little less, if you count in your crappy driving!" Laughed Taylor, as Selena quickly steered the car away from drifting into the middle of the road.

"It's no worse than yours!"



Eventually, their laughter ceased as they pulled up onto the curb outside Justin's house. People were stepping out of cabs, and different expensive cars, dressed in either million dollar diamond dresses or pricy suits and jackets.

"Oh damn!" Muttered Taylor, as she watched all the beautiful girls wander up to Justin's house. "I'm gonna stand out so badly!"

"I did tell you!" Began Selena, but one look from Taylor made her change her tracks. "You look fine, Taylor! Ed'll love it anyway..."

"Selena!" But it was too late as Selena had got out of the car and was walking up the path towards the house. Jumping out of the car, Taylor chased after her. Around her beautiful faces in equally beautiful dresses were giving her dirty looks. Why was everyone wearing such fancy dresses for a house party anyway?

"Selena, I'm not sure if this is a good idea anymore..." Said Taylor, straightening down her black dress patterned in red crosses.

"You look fine, Taylor!" Insisted Selena, dragging her friend towards the large door.

"Too late now anyway..." Muttered Taylor as she wandered in the house with Selena.

All around her famous celebrity's were sipping at champagne and wines, chatting with there friends and looking Taylor up and down. She sighed.

"You look fine!" Repeated Selena as she wandered out of the way of the door, Taylor following close behind.

Over by the stairs was the most cluttered with people. A girl Taylor vaguely recognised from a sitcom on late was stood whispering with a handsome young man. Next to them, a group of girls were giggling and playing with there perfectly crafted hair. Just next to them a youngish boy with mousy brown hair was stood talking to a girl with dark black hair who wasn't even trying to hide her dislike of Taylor's outfit choice. Two blondes were dancing along to the upbeat music playing, but even they still glared at Taylor from the corner of there eyes. Opposite from them stood Justin, who was grinning at Selena and across from him, was where he was stood.

The only other man there who was getting odd looks and harsh glares. Only he didn't seem to care. He was staring straight at Taylor.

And across a crowded room, was where their eyes met.

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