Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 13

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~Chapter 13~

Taylor had grabbed her mobile and was ringing Selena before she had chance to think about what she was doing.


"Selena!" Taylor hadn't really thought about what to say. She' swallowed and tried to think logically, just casually mention the article don't get her upset thinking you're accusing her!


"I...err...are you going out with Ed?" What the hell, Taylor?!

"What? No! What made you think that?!" Selena sounded completely bewildered. Taylor bit her lip, wondering whether or not to just drop it.

"I...err...I read this article and I...."

"And you thought I'd betray you like that?"

"No, it's just that....I saw these'd met up in a park?"

"What?" Selena sounded confused and then she suddenly gasped, making the phone vibrate in Taylor's hand. "Oh! Yeah, we met friends! We're not dating, Taylor!"

"Oh...erm....why'd you meet up? And how? He left his phone here..."

"Yeah, I'd given him my home number ages ago."

"Ok...ermm..." Taylor instantly felt really guilty. How could she have thought Selena would do that? "Why'd you meet up?"

"He wanted to...look I'm not supposed to tell you this!"

"Go on,"

"Well..." Selena swallowed. "He wanted to talk,"


"About...about you!"

"What about me?!" She asked, utterly confused.

"About...trying to get you back!" Selena suddenly shouted. "He thought he'd screwed everything up, so he wanted to try and make it up to you. He asked me how no, get back in your good books, or whatever..."

"Oh..." Well this was awkward.

"And if your wondering about his jumper, thing," Selena answered the question Taylor had been thinking about. "He's just really nice! He's like a gentleman! I mentioned I was cold and he just gave me his jumper! Seriously there's nothing to worry about, Taylor! We were linking arms cuz were friends now! I actually got on really well with him, were just good friends!"


"And he really likes you! He was on about you like ALL day! So yeah...give him another chance, Tay,"

"I'm sorry, Selena!" Taylor wished she was there to give her friend a hug. "I'm so sorry I accused you! It's just, I'm, I really like Ed, and I just kinda freaked out! I'm so sorry, Sel!"

Selena sighed and paused before replying. "It's ok...I'd feel the same! Stupid rumours get you believing's not your fault, Tay! Just promise me you'll give Ed another chance? Don't give up on him?"

Taylor smiled and played with her hair. "Ok! Why'd he run off though?"

Selena sighed again. "Ermm...look I don't really know! I know that he's just as nervous about everything as you are! He said he was confused about everything...and that he's not sure about anything and that....I don't know! He was just rambling on about his feelings...look, he is sorry! Just forgive him, yeah?"

"Okay...I'm sorry Selena!"

"It's fine!" Laughed Selena. "You and Ed are adorable, I wouldn't get in the middle of all that!"

"Thanks, anyway...I'm sorry!"

"Let it go already! You owe me like 70 coffees now, by the way!"

"Fine!" Grinned Taylor. "Thanks for being such an awesome friend, Selena!"

"Just promise me you'll be easy on Ed?"


"Good! Bye, Taylor!"


"Oh my god!" Taylor yelled out loud, punching her fists into the air. Meredith, who had been lying on the floor, suddenly yelped and ran off.

Laughing, Taylor twirled around in the middle of the room, watching as the room turned into a dizzy haze. Then, Taylor stopped and fell to the ground, giggling like a small child.

Jumping up, she grabbed her phone which she'd left on the sofa arm, and clicked onto twitter, thinking she'd send Abigail a message clearing the whole Ed and Selena thing up.

Not being able to help herself, she searched 'Ed Sheeran' and read through his latest tweets.

The latest one read 'Why do I always mess everything up?'

Then, 'These rumours about me and Selena are ridiculous. We're just friends!'

And then, 'And I've lost you. Again.'

Taylor's mouth fell open in shock. Were Eds tweets about her? They certainly seemed like it. The thing about Selena was obviously just stopping more rumours from being spread, but the one about losing someone. And messing something up. They could be about her, couldn't they?

From what Selena had said, Ed definitely liked her. A lot. Maybe as much as she liked him! So those tweets...they were about her?!

"Oh. My. God!" Taylor couldn't help but yell again. Ed really did like her!

Without thinking, Taylor clicked the button for 'compose new tweet' and began to type, not stopping until she hit 'tweet'.

For once, she didn't care what anyone said or thought. She didn't care what any hater decided to comment; she'd always known her Swifties could defend her with facts to prove the person wrong, but this time no doubt or fear crept up on her at all!

She knew people would assume it was to comfort Ed, which it was but she didn't care, as no one knew exactly what had gone on between them. Only her and Ed (and obviously Selena) knew, and right now nothing else mattered except the fact that she had forgiven Ed. Entirely. And he thought he'd messed things up. So she had to tell him that it was ok, even if not directly too him.

So she smiled at the tweet she had just sent, no fear or doubt in her mind, and thought of one of Eds tweets.

'Why do I always mess everything up?'

He hadn't messed it up. She had told him that now. With a lyric from her own song 'Innocent'

"Everyone of us has messed up too"

A/N sooooo......NO ED AND SELENA! Does this mean Sweeran can finally happen?!

Once again, I'm so sorry for not updating in literally months! Blame twitter. It has basically taken over my entire life.

But thanks for commenting and asking me to update and for VOTING, god you guys are so nice!


I promise that I will update more. YES. THAT IS A PROMISE.


Lucyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D

P.S you guys just read chapter 13!


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