Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 20

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~Chapter 20~

Taylor walked back into the room holding a tray of tea and biscuits with two cups to see Ed looking over at the lyrics.

She leaned over the small coffee table in front of Ed and placed the tray down.

"Had anymore thoughts?" She asked, looking at him. She had been pretty sure the answer was going to be the usual no or a casual shrug which would indicate that Ed was still not going to let his guards down, which is why Eds next move shocked Taylor so much.

He suddenly looked up at her, his mouth hanging open slightly as though he'd just thought of something. He stared right up at Taylor, two pairs of blue eyes looking back at eachother, as if trying to prove something.

He then jumped up, still staring at Taylor, and ran towards her, his arms spread out.

"Woah, Ed, what're you doing?!" Taylor exclaimed, as Ed wrapped his arms around her, enclosing her in a massive hug.

"Yes!" Ed replied, letting go of her. "To answer your question I have had thoughts! Lots and lots of thoughts! And I'm ready,"

"Ready to...?"

"Ready to...let go! And to jump! And..." Ed paused and wiped his goofy smile away to replace it with a serious face. "And to trust you,"

Taylor instantly felt nervous. The moment she'd realised what Ed had meant, she'd thought she'd feel excited and happy, but instead she felt nervous. And scared. No, not scared, something stronger than that. Terrified.

And she had butterflies in her stomach. But not the usual butterflies, a strange type of butterflies she'd never experienced before and a type she couldn't describe. Like when you have a crush on someone and then you suddenly start talking to them and you realise they're even more amazing than you originally thought they were. And you get a sort of butterflies feeling in your stomach, like a sort of 'this is too good to be true' feeling. And then that feeling intensifies to the extent that you can't even think about them without bursting into fits of giggles. That's the sort of butterflies feeling she had.

Ed stepped backwards, his adorable smile returning. "So, the song," Ed began. "Even though you've sung the first verse I think you should sing the next half of the second verse too,"

"Oh, no, you should have the whole second verse!" Taylor replied, shaking her head. "It's only fair!"

"No, I'll have the first half, you can have the second," Ed insisted. "You can have it as my way of apologising. For everything."

Taylor raised her eyebrows, trying to remain angry whilst the butterflies took over her whole stomach.

"The first of many apologies, may I add," Ed continued, sitting down again.

"Whatever," Taylor sighed, trying to sound angry. She sat next to him, this time closer than she had sat next to him before, and reached for the pot of tea. Pouring herself some, she turned back to Ed.

"So, if I'm singing the second verse, what exactly is it I'm going to be singing?"

"Erm..." Ed reached for the pot of tea Taylor had put down, and poured some into his own mug. "Well, I haven't thought of any lyrics yet. How about, seen as though you're singing it, you kind of put inspiration into this bit?"

"Sure," Shrugged Taylor, bringing the mug up to her lips. "What kind of thing were you thinking?"

"Well..." Ed furrowed his brow and brushed his hand through his ginger hair, making Taylor feel slightly faint. "I know!" Ed suddenly yelled, grinning widely. Turning to face Taylor, he continued. "How're you feeling right now?"

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