Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 11

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~Chapter 11~

"Did you do anything wrong?"

"No!" Taylor snapped down the phone to Selena, and then sighed. "Sorry, Selena. I'm in a bad mood!"

"It's fine! So you kissed and then..."

"And then he ran off, just like he did on the trampoline! He's giving me mixed messages, and I can't cope! One minute he's up for dating, and then he's just running off like some little kid!" Shoving another spoonful of the mint choc-chip ice cream she was eating into her mouth, she stared forwards, angrily. "Yet I still miss him! It's pathetic, isn't it?"

"It's not pathetic, Taylor!" Selena consoled her. "When boys can't make up their mind, it's hard!" She sighed, sending a crackly noise down the phone into Taylor's ear. "Trust me, I've been their."

"Yeah..." Taylor wrinkled her noise, twisting her hair in her hand. "Do you wanna meet up sometime? I think we could both do with some cheering up now!"

"Yeah, sure! When are you free?"

"Basically everyday, now!"

Selena laughed. "Ok, do you want to come over to mine on...Wednesday?"

"Sure!" Grinned Taylor. "See you then!"

"Ok, bye!"

"Bye!" Hanging up, Taylor put her mobile phone on the sofa arm, and slipped onto the floor. She pulled over the piece of paper on which the lyrics to the un-named song she had began writing and frowned at Eds name. Grabbing a pen, she decided to name it 'Everything Has Changed' and then, another idea forming in her head, quickly jotted down something else.

Come back and tell me why,

I'm feeling like I've missed you,

All this time,

And meet me there tonight,

And let me know that,

It's not all in my mind

She then wrote down 'chorus' to show that they'd sing the chorus again after that. All she needed now was a second verse and maybe an ending. A tinkling sound from the sofa, distracted her. Scoping up her mobile, Taylor switched it on, too see the familiar picture of Meredith light up, after checking her messages twice, she came to the conclusion that she must have imagined it as she had no message. A few seconds later, though, she heard the noise again and was sure she hadn't imagined it.

After fumbling down the sides of the sofa for ten minutes, Taylor found an iPhone. Knowing it can't have been Selena's, as she'd just spoke to Selena on her mobile, she realised whose it must be. Ed's. Not being able to help herself, Taylor switched it on and, as it had no password, watched the message icon fade out as the two messages he'd received popped up on the screen.

From: Matthew

How'd it go with Taylor?


Taylor knew, from speaking to Ed, that he had a brother called Mathew, and so assumed it was from him. She then scrolled down to see the next message.


You usually reply straight away,

Seen as though you have nothing better to do!


After reading a bit of the previous conversations between Ed and his brother, Taylor clicked the back arrow, and saw the list of people he'd been texting.





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