Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 3

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-Chapter 3-

A couple of hours after having her nails done, when Taylor should have been concentrating on the song she was singing, the idea popped into her head. After singing 'Mean' in the sound check Taylor ran straight up to one of the men in charge of tonight's show, Dave.

"Hey Dave!" Taylor called, as she neared him. "I was wondering if I could add an extra song to the set list for tonight?"

Dave nearly spilt his coffee down his dark black tee shirt. "Not this again Taylor!" He cried, mopping up the spot off coffee he had spilt on the desk he was sat at. "Didn't you ask me this for last nights show?"

Taylor sighed. "Yes,"

"And what was my answer?"

He was starting to get up and walk away now, so Taylor quickly ran after him. "But please! It's just one song...and it is my show,"

Dave raised an eyebrow "Yes and I'm the one who's got to make sure things run smoothly! For one thing the band won't no the chords, and they haven't got time to practise before tonight"

"Grant!" Taylor yelled as she dragged Dave with her, over to her guitarist. He instantly stopped playing the riff he had been playing on his guitar and looked up at her.


"What Ed Sheeran songs can you play?"

"Ermm..." Grant looked down at his guitar, one hand running through his jet black hair "I know...You Need Me,"

"Great, I'll do that one!"

Grant burst out laughing at this. "You? Rapping? You've gotta be joking, Taylor!"

Reconsidering the thought of desperately trying to rap to Eds fast song, Taylor continued.

"Fine, what else do you know?"

"I know Give Me Love....and...UNI...Little Bird," Grant stared off into space as he continued to think. "Oh, and Drunk...I think that's it,"

"What about Drunk? I could sing that!" Insisted Taylor, now looking over to where Dave was stood.

"Taylor we just don't have the time..." Began Dave.

"Please!" Begged Taylor. "Pretty please! Pretty please with cherries on top!"

Dave looked over at Grant, who just shrugged looking slightly amused.

"Fine!" Snapped Dave, running off before Taylor could pester him again.

"Thank you!" She shouted after him, smiling now.

"I was wondering when you were gonna mention Ed," muttered Grant, back to playing with his guitar

"What?" Questioned Taylor, turning to face him again.

"You know, after all the stuff he's been tweeting,"

"What stuff?" Asked Taylor, bewildered.

"You know all the stuff he's tweeted about Speak Now and Fearless! He hasn't been around that long, but he's certainly been catching up with your music. Won't stop tweeting about your songs. Especially Ours and Forever and Always. Oh, and he's mentioned Better Than Revenge a couple of times, too!"

"What?!" Taylor was completely shocked. It was true, she hadn't been on twitter that much recently, but surely she must have noticed Ed in her notifications! "Really?"

"Yep! I reckon you too would sound awesome together, as well. You should give him a call!" Said Grant, and with that he went off to talk to the rest of the band,

"Wow!" Whispered Taylor. She'd never expected this! She'd felt a connection, a special bond with Eds music, but never in a million years had she expected her music to possibly speak to Ed like that too!

"Right, let's practise Drunk, then!" Called Dave, walking back over with a clip board.

As Taylor walked away, she couldn't help but feel incredibly happy and pleased with herself. Maybe she was destined to meet Ed. Maybe she was destined to write with him. And maybe, it all was all going to fall in line, perfectly with her singing his song tonight.

Just maybe.

I know the endings really cheesy, but i couldn't think of anything else to put! Please vote and tell me what you think:)

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