Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 7

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~Chapter 7~

Much to Taylor's distaste, the next couple of days seemed to come and go incredibly slowly, with the only notable event happening on Thursday night, two days before Ed was due to meet with Taylor.

From: Selena

Me and Dustbin just broke up:(

Taylor couldn't help but giggle at Selena's auto correct mistake, until the next text came in.

Obviously meant Justin

Can I come round?

Really need some cheering up:(


Taylor smiled a sad little smile and replied back to her best friend

Aww, Selena!

Come over now, if you want?

Selena's reply was instant.

K, I'm on my way

Thanks Taylor:)

Taylor quickly jumped up, kicking clothes and shoes under her bed as she did so. Selena arrived within five minutes of Taylor's text, and even after Taylor shouted for her to come in, Selena stayed outside. After running down the stairs, two steps at a time, Taylor opened the door to see her best friend stood there in a khaki furry coat. Her straightened hair was becoming wet in the rain, and her mascara was smudged just under her eyes. But Taylor could tell it wasn't from the rain. With a sad smile, Taylor opened her arms, just in time for Selena too come running at her into her arms.

Kicking the door shut, Taylor led her friend into her lounge and down onto her red sofa.

"Selena, don't cry!"

After taking a deep breath, Selena looked up at Taylor, tears still in her eyes.

"It's just, it ended so messily, you know?"

"Aww, I'm sorry!"

"I just..." Looking round at the room, Selena's expression changed. She looked as though she'd just been slapped. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You don't need this! You've got your big date with Ed coming up, you don't need me crying on your shoulder! I'm so sorry, I'll just go!" As Selena tried to get up, Taylor held her arms and pulled her back down.

"Your not going anywhere in this state! Come on were friends...I know you'd be there for me if I was this upset, so I'm not just gonna let you go back!"

"Thanks Taylor!" Smiled Selena. Despite her grin, more tears were falling down her face.

"Wait here, I'm gonna get some supply's!" Winked Taylor, running off too find her secret stash of ice cream and chocolate.

And that's how, two hours later, the two girls were sat, laughing and joking, chocolate in their hands, telling funny stories to each other.

"No!" Laughed Selena loudly, interrupting Taylor from her story. "Tell the Edvard one again!"

"Seriously? That's not even that funny! And you were there!"

"I know but I find it funny!" Giggled Selena, breaking off another piece of the galaxy chocolate bar.

Taylor looked around the room, desperately trying to think of another thing to do, instead if retell her highly embarrassing story, when her eyes fell on her guitar.

"I've got an idea!" Jumping up from the the sofa, Taylor grabbed her guitar, then ran back to the sofa. "So the other day, I started writing a song about all my friends. I wanted to play to all of you together, but seen as though your here, I'll play it to you first."

"Ahh, awesome!" Selena shuffled round on the sofa, whilst plunging another spoonful of Raspberry Ripple ice cream into her mouth, to look at Taylor. "Play it, play it!"

"Ok, ok!" Grinned Taylor, tuning her guitar carefully. "It's probably gonna end up on my next album,"

"Another album, already?"

"I think it might be a while, yet,"

"Play it then!"

"Alright!" Laughed Taylor, practising the chords she was about to play.

'It feels like a perfect night,

Too dress up like hipsters,

And make fun of our exes

Uh uh, uh uh

It feels like a perfect night,

For breakfast at midnight,

To fall in love with strangers,

Uh uh, uh uh'

"Aww, I love it!" Laughed Selena, watching Taylor play. "Play more!"

"Ok, I'll play the chorus!" Grinned Taylor.

'I don't know about you,

But I'm feeling 22,

Everything will be alright if,

You keep me next to you,

You don't know about me,

But I bet you want to,

Everything will be alright if,

We just keep dancing like were,

22, 22'

After playing the chorus Selena clapped loudly, and then smiled.

"Thanks for cheering me up today, Taylor, that was really awesome of you!"

"It's fine!" Grinned Taylor, putting her guitar down. "Hey, will you help me choose what to wear on for Saturday?"

"Of course!" Still laughing, the two girls ran up the stairs as fast as they could, the sun now shining down on them.

Sorry, this chapter is really short:/ thanks for reading!:D please vote if you like and tell me what you think, I'm open to suggestions;)

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