Chapter Five

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    I woke up inside a car. I couldn't tell what kind but i knew we were no where near the farm. Sitting up in the back seat i could see two people, the driver and the passenger.

    "Awake birthday girl?" the passenger said. I looked at him confused before the days events came flooding back.

    "Who are you and where are we?" I asked noticing my hands were bound but my feet weren't. I had to think of something and fast. I looked out the window to see a large storage shed in the middle of no where.

    "Call me Tank" the passenger said. I had no idea what he wanted with me or who he even was. I had never met a Tank before.

    "Excuse me for not shaking your hand but i'm a little tied up" I said sarcastically with a small smirk. Tank spun to face me and his eyes were not kind. They were a firey blue and his blond curls made him look younger but with that angry face looking at me he looked like a fire breathing dragon.

    "Don't get smart with me little girl, we were sent to bring you back alive, nothing was said about broken" He snarled which made me cringe.

        "Who? I haven't done anything to anyone" I whispered.

    "Maybe not you but your darling daddy has and our boss has not forgotten" The driver said.

    "And who the hell are you?" I asked taking my eyes off Tank to look at the driver.

    "You dont need to know my name and Tank is a dickhead for telling you as much as he has, either way princess, you wont be leaving alive" He said with complete seriousness in his voice. From the back i could tell his hair was brown and by the sound of his voice he was young too.

    "What about the boy?" Tank asked.

    "If he gets in our way you destroy him. It really isn't that hard seriously. He has caused too much trouble already" The driver said.

    "I know Kev, i'm just saying, he knows what to do, he's quick and knows everything" Tank said revealing the drivers name to me.

    "He wont even know whats going on." Kev said.

    "The boss talked to him. And the boss sounds scared of this kid"  Tank said.

    "Just shut up and get her out and into the bloody warehouse will ya" Kev said as he got out of the car and headed to the warehouse. Tank rolled his eyes before getting out and opening the back door of the car. I took this as my oportunity as he leaned in I kicked him in the face and then in the jaw. Quickly after he dropped I got out and ran, I had no idea how far i would get or where I was going as long as it was away from these people.

    What had my father done to these people? There was no time to think about that now though, I had to concerntrate on getting the hell out of here. I didnt get far before I was grabbed around the waist by Kev. Darn, I wasn't quiet enough whilst I was runninng and now I was caught again.

    "Where ya goin? Parties this way honey" Kev said as he dragged me back kicking and screaming to the warhouse.

    "Let me go you psycho" I screamed. Kev thought this was totally funny considering he was laughing. Yeah he'll wait, someone will come for me and then he will be the one tied up.

    "I've been called that plenty of times sweet cheeks, it really doesnt upset me anymore" Kev said as he sat me onto a chair. He leaned his face close into mine before speaking softly.

    "You kick me or try to escape, I swear you will regret it" He snapped. I had tears running down my cheeks by this point. This was by far the worst birthday in my entire life. I wanted my mom and my dad and I wanted Dane.

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