Chapter Seven

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    The next morning was hectic. We had recieved a letter from these people trying to kill Ava. the letter had said..

Dane, dear boy

Expect the unexpected

    What that meant, I didnt know just yet but I would find out who these people were. I had an idea but I couldn't confirm it so I decided to not tell Ava.

    "I want someone watching that warehouse and the farm" I said tossing the letter on the bench as Ava walked out of the bed room. She was dragging her feet and her hair was a mess and she still looked cute. I smiled at her appearence and she flipped me off. Ava walked over and read the note before tossing it back on the bench.

    "How original" She muttered going to the fridge before freezing for a second and continuing on with what she was doing. I looked around to see anything that might have triggered the freezing but none.

    "What was that?" I asked as she grabbed the orange juice.

    "What was what?" She asked shrugging placing the orange juice on the bench. I stared at her as she got a glass out of the cupboard.

    "You said, how original and then froze quickly before continuing what you were doing. Why did you freeze?" I asked. Ava rolled her eyes and sighed.

    "Well I thought about it and I only know one person who says that saying" Ava replied. My heart dropped in my chest. She knew who it must be. All she has to do is say those words and its out. "But it couldn't be" She added sighing again.

    "Who Ava, who says that?" I asked. I needed to know if my fears were right, if my theory was right.

    "My Aunt Brenda, she lived by hat saying but she's been taken remember, it can't be her" Ava said with sad eyes. I felt sympathy for her, I knew that my calculations had been correct, we just needed to find where they were.

    I placed my hand on her back and kissed her temple before lettion out a sigh. I couldn't believe I was about to tell her that the person she had been living with for two months was the person who had killed her parents.

    "Ava, I need to tell you something and I understand if you decide to hit me or scream at me about it because it will be a big shock" I started.

    "I know Dane, Brenda did it didnt she? She's the one behind it all?" Ava asked. Wow, I didn't expect that at all. I thought she would have kicked and slapped me for even thinking it.

    "We think so. What gave you the thought?" I asked moving so I could see Ava's face fully.

    "I don't know, she was emotional and everything about the whole thing but she was different, it wasn't the normal grieving, it was guilt, I couldn't pin point it to anything though, I had no proof. Then with the whole Gran and Uncle Ray, she didn't look shocked. She knew about it, she didn't say anything to either of them, she was calm the whole time" Ava said with tears in her eyes. I pulled her in for a hug and rubbed her back while she drenched my shirt in tears.

    "It's ok. Ava, baby. That warehouse belongs to your Aunt. The news and everything was fake, she didn't get kidnapped, she ubducted herself, it was a trap to get a phone call from you to say where you were but apparently they knew anyway" I replied. Ava sniffled and nodded before stepping back and wiping hern face with her sleeves.

    "What do we do now?" She asked. To be honest I had no clue what we would do. We didn't know where Brenda was hiding. She had to be close though.

    "We will think of something" I said.

    "Hey, heard you need a plan. I got one" Slinky said coming into the kitchen. Ava and I look at each other before looking at Slinky.

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