Chapter Nine

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    Dane left me. I can't believe he left me here like this. I know he meant well and I know he loves me and cares for me but I don't know what I would do if they all came back and Dane wasn't with them. Could Guardian Angels die? Were they Immortal or could they die and go back to heaven?

    "Vincent. You're an Angel right?" I asked. He looked at me and nodded. "Can Guardian Angels die?" I asked.

    "No, we are immortal" Vincent said walking over to us.

    "Oh good" I sighed.

    "Ava, Dane will come back, he promised, he will not go back on a promise if he can help it" Spider said. These guys were very comforting and I appreciate everything they are saying.

    "Thank you guys. What will happen when all this is over?" I asked.

    "Well, you guys are a couple, depends on how the boss up stairs feels and also how far you've gone. He could either be you're guardian Angel forever or he would get sent home and won’t be down here for a long time" Spider said.

    "What if we were connected? He can feel when i need him and when I’m hurt" I replied.

    "Oh, well that far, I don't know, usually he comes down and has a few bangs but he feels for you Ava, he loves you, only ever happened once" Spider said.

    "What?" Paul asked. "You slept with this guy?" He asked.

    "Yes, I did, that has nothing to do with you" I said.

    "He may not even be coming back Ava, you are only going to get hurt" Paul said.

    "Paul, bro, leave it" Jamie said as he touched Paul's shoulder.

    "Babe, what is wrong with you. Ava is a big girl now, she can chose who she wants to sleep with" Alicia said.

    "Exactly, so how about you back off. I knew what I was doing Paul, everyone gets hurt eventually" I spat. Haley rubbed my back in comfort.

    "Look, I just know you can do better that him" Paul said. I looked at him and raised my eye brows. Why was he being a jerk?

    "Yes, I probably could but Alicia could do better than you too but no, I haven't said a word about anything because it is none of my business. Look, thank you for coming up here and helping me today, helping us but you didn't have to" I said.

    "Yeah" Paul said getting in my face. "If we hadn't turned up today Ava, you would probably be dead and just so you know if it wasn't for Dane, you wouldn't be in this mess" Paul hissed. Who was he to get in my face?

    "Get out of my face" I said and pushed him. He went to push back but everyone was on him. "And FYI Paul, Dane was sent here BECAUSE of this mess, so before you start accusing him of shit, I would be dead by now if he hadn't come to town. He was sent here because of this mess" I screamed at him.

    "Yeah, whatever Ava. I tried to help you and watch out for you but you can't see the bloody obvious" Paul said shrugging everyone off him and heading to the door. I let him go and expected Alicia to yell at me to because she's Paul's girlfriend.

    "I'm sorry Ava, he just cares about you, I didn't know he would flip this bad at you having sex with an Angel" Alicia said coming over and hugging me. "I'll go and talk to him" She said and went after her boyfriend. I slumped onto a bed and everyone came and sat with me except for Vincent and Spider.

    "Ava, are you ok?" Haley asked. I shrugged. I felt numb. I wanted Dane, I needed him for comfort. I needed to know that he was ok and I needed him to know I was ok. He would probably feel it if I was in danger or hurt or anything like he said before today.

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