Chapter Four

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    Tuesday. My birthday, just great. Lucky for everyone that I'm in a good mood this morning. As I roll over I see a bunch of flowers in a vase on the bed side table and I knew exactly who they were from. Dane.

    I rolled out of bed and got a better look at the flowers. Frangipani's and while roses and boy did they smell fantastic. I picked up the card next to it and read it.

Happy birthday beautiful

Hope you enjoy your day

From you know who


    Cute. I walk out of my room and down stairs to see a buffet of food out at the table.

    "Expecting an army?" I asked my aunt as I sat down at the table. She looked up and smiled.

    "Happy birthday sweet heart. And kind of. All your friends are coming over" she winked before headig up stairs. I roll my eyes just as a set clapps over them.

    "Guess who" Dane said in a sing song voice. I laughed before being smart.

    "Um. Is it donald duck?" I asked.

    "EHH. No guess again" he said laughing.

    "Um. It has to be that Dane guy from school, you know the annoying one" I laughed. He imediantly removed his hands and I took that chance to run. I ran into the living room and got tackled to the couch. I start to squeal as Dane tickles my ribs and then they start to throb.

    "Ouch, Dane stop, they hurt" I said. He stopped imediatley and sat back a little bit.

    "Sorry" he began. "Happy birthday" he added leaning in for a kiss. Since the barn, I didn't know what we were, weather we were together or it was just the occassional kiss here and there.

    "Get a room" we hear someone yell and yes of course when we look it is indeed Haley standing in the doorway with a small box. She smiled before coming over and Dane got up.

    "Happy birthday Ava, I hope you like it" Haley said coming in for a hug.

    "Thank you, you didn't have to buy me anything though" I said as I started to open the box. When I opened it I found that there was a silver necklace in there with a bird hanging off. The bird had a blue diamond eye. I gasped. "Haley, thank you. This must have cost a fortune" I said gently taking the necklace out of the box. Haley just shrugged before coming and helping to put it on.  

    Haley and I made our way out to the kitchen where we found Ben, Jamie, Paul, Dane and Alicia. Alicia came running at me - more like skipping at me with a small box in her hand.

    "Happy birthday Ava, thi is from Paul and I" Alicia said handing me the box. I smiled and opened it to find a matching bracelet to my necklace. I stared wide eyed from Alicia to Haley.

    "Oh my god thank you so much" I said hugging Alicia before hugging Paul too.

    "We just got something together" Ben said indicating to himself and Jamie. I nod and take the big box off his hads. Opening it I had no idea what it could be. Once I opened it though I jumped up and down with excitment. It was a chocolate maker machine. I squealed and hugged them both at the same time.

    "Thank you, thank you, thank you" I said as I released them. Brenda came down the stairs next with a smallish box and another present that I could tell was clothes. I opened the clothes first to find the jeans I was eyeing off a few weeks ago, a really cute pink shirt saying "you droped something.. your face" in black letters . I also got a nice party dress that was red with a black bow on the waist and the usual under wear and socks. The box one was an ipod and I got pretty excited about that one.

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