Chapter One

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    I would never get use to waking up to roosters on a farm. I enjoyed the good old alarm clock and I certainly didn't like the farm. It made me feel like a hill billy even though I knew my Aunty was anyting but a hill billy.

    It had been two month since the car accident that left my parents dead and only leaving with me a broken wrist and two broken ribs. I was shipped off to my Aunt Brenda's in the country part of Spring Vale where she lived on a farm and even after a month I still wasn't ready for school. I don't think I would ever be ready for school.

    Climbing out of bed at six o'clock was way too early but being on the farm kind of felt good in a way. I headed for the shower before Brenda did - I rarely ever called her Aunt. I had just made it into the bathroom before her so I quickly stuck my tongue out before closing the door, hearing her mutter something about a bitch making me smile.

    "Ok so you need to go to the office and get them to do all your finishing touches to your enrollment" Brenda said dropping me off at school. I looked at the large school out the Chevvy truck window. I was so nervous, I wasn't ready for school, I wasn't ready for anything. I hadn't even talked to Brenda much since moving in. I blew out a sigh and opened the car door.

    "I will pick you up later ok" Brenda said. I didn't look at her, just gave a nod and climbed out before making my way toward the door that said Office.

    "Here goes" I mumbled to myself as I pulled the front doors of the school open. Walking in it was wicked, my jaw dropped to the floor. The carpet was red - ugly yes but the furniture made it look good. It had a leather couch opposite the office desk with photos of the school and the students and staff hanging on the walls. There was a table with a vase of flowers sitting against the wall on the right as I walked in.

    "Hello, may I help you?" A woman asked. She had red hair and she looked in her early thirties. Her eyes were green and her smile was genuine.

    "Yes, I'm Ava McGomry and I think I need to fill out of the rest of my enrolment forms" I said smiling back and making my way over to the desk as she smiled back in response

    "Oh yes, I will just grab them" she replied as she stood from her chair. Reading her name tag it read Maybaline. Lovely name, I had a friend called Maybaline back in my old town, she was a blond though.

    When she came back she handed me a form to fill out and a blue pen. Quietly and quickly I filled them out and handed them back.  "Thanks sweetie" she said looking over it before handing me some more papers. "These are your class scheduals and a map of the school" I smiled and said thanks before heading off. I found my locker and put my bag inside after getting my books out. Making my way through the school I bumped into someone.

    "Sorry" I said looking up at the boy. He was wearing a ball cap so I couldn't see his face properly but I could tell his hair was black because it was curling under his cap. He wore a red shirt and black jeans. After saying sorry I kept walking toward my first class - arriving just as the bell rang. Looking around I found a seat next to the window and being a math class I was sure my day would turn crap. I was wearing my grey jumper that had the face of Elmo off sesame stret on it with my black jeans and sneakers. I roughly put my hair up into a pony tail before leaving this morning.

    Day dreaming out the window I hadn't realised that the class was now full, including the seat next me. I turn to look at who was sitting with me to find a cheerful girl wearing a black cardigan over a white tank top and a pair of blue jeans. Her hair was brunette with a slight tinge of blond through it. She was wearing make up but I could tell she didn't need it.

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