Chapter Eight

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    We headed a few towns over called Kelony Town, it was only a small town but it would do. We checked into a motel and set up there. Making sure we paid with cash not credit we went to our rooms.

    "I dont have any shoes" Ava pointed out. I rolled my eyes and scooped her up in my arms. "Not what I was hinting at" Ava added.

    "Oh well. It happened now shoosh alright" I said as I handed the key to Lewis who opened the door.

    "Don't you shoosh me Dane, I will not put up with that" Ava whisper yelled at me.

    "Avalin, I will not tell you again, now if you don't shoosh, I will force you to" I said. I didn't like to tell her what to do but we needed to be quiet incase anyone was in there.

    "Don't call me that, put me down" Ava said. I put her down only to push her into the wall and pin her there. I cover her mouth with my hand before hissing at her.

    "You need to shut up Ava, there could have been someone in here waiting to shoot you. You need to listen to what I say because things are getting messy now" I said. She nodded and I slowly let go. I pulled away and she grabbed me by the collar pulling me back for a kiss.

    A part of me thought she was a little turned on by me telling her what to do. Another part told me she didn't like being told what to do so she did it to make sure we were ok.

    "What was that?" I asked when she slightly pushed me off her. She shrugged and smiled.

    "You're kinda hot when you're bossy" Ava smiled. I laughed and turned to see what everyone else was doing.

    "What have we got? Anything or nothing?" I asked. Lewis had his computer set up in the small living room part of the room. Well actually there was no living room part. There were two double beds, a tv, a wooden coffee table, a bathroom, a phone and a small kitchen like thing.

    Lewis set up his computer on the coffee table. Ava, went and sat on one of the beds, I assume she was testing them for the comfort.

    "I am going for a shower ok." Ava said standing up. She went into the bathroom and I watched her shake her butt like she knew I was watching. This girl would be the death of me one day.


    As i headed into the bathroom I was surprised. It was the nicest and cleanest part of the motel. I looked around incase anyone had been in here but I couldn't see anyone or any shape behind the shower curtain. I had just taken my jumper off when I felt a hand on my wrist. Dane must have been in there with me. I smiled and looked up in the mirror to see it wasn't Dane. Just as I was about to scream a hand slapped overmy mouth.

    "Act calm, co-operate and no one gets hurt" The man said. I nodded. I knew Dane would be in here any moment, or so I thought before I heard a smash. I knew I was in trouble now. The man pushed me out of the bathroom and everything stopped. Dane looked at me with pleading eyes before looking at my attcker with vengful eyes.

    "Let her go" Dane snapped.

    "Not a chance Dane" My attacker said and Dane stepped forward. "One step closer and I snap her neck"  he added, moving his hand from my mouth to my throat. I gasped and Dane stopped moving. My attacker was applying pressure, not too much but enough to scare myself and Dane sensed that.

    "Everyone, step back" Dane said holding up his hand in surrender.

    "I will save you Ava" Dane said as we made our way to the door.

Accidentally in Love [EDITED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें